Understanding Of The Ethical Principle Of Care

Discuss your understanding of the ethical principle of care.

Sample Solution

Ethical Principle Of Care

The ethical theory described as “the ethics of care” asserts that the essential components of human connections and interdependence have moral relevance[ CITATION Mim20 \l 1033 ]. Ethics of care, on the other hand, attempts to preserve connections by contextualizing and encouraging the well-being of care-givers and those receiving care in a web of social ties. “Care” is most typically characterized as a behavior or virtue rather than a philosophy, and it entails sustaining our own and others’ worlds and addressing their needs. It is motivated by both recollections of being cared for and conceptual frameworks of self, and it is built on the drive to care for others who are reliant and sensitive/vulnerable.

Care ethics acknowledges the relevance of caring motive, feeling, and the embodiment in moral judgment, as well as reasoning from particulars, in the sentimentalist tradition of moral philosophy. Milton Mayeroff’s brief book On Caring was one of the first publications of ethics of care, but the mid-1980s work of psychologist Carol Gilligan and philosopher Nel Noddings is credited with the formation of ethics of care as a unique moral theory. Both criticized conventional ethical methods of masculine bias and argued that the “voice of caring” is a suitable alternative to progressive human rights theory’s “fair viewpoint.”

Reproductive technologies, sexuality and homosexual marriage, corporal punishment, civic responsibility, hospice care, and HIV treatment, as well as parts of pop culture, have all been examined through the lens of ethics of care. It is progressively informing moral study of disciplines such as education, medicine, nursing, and commerce, resulting in the emergence of new themes and techniques of investigation. Other ethical domains, such as bioethics, corporate ethics, and environmentalism, employ it to measure morality. Ethics of care was swiftly accepted in bioethics as a technique of examining relational and incorporated elements of healthcare procedures and standards, maybe because healthcare and medicine is a profession that expressly entails caring for others.

Ethical principle of care entails the aspect of confidentiality and non-disclosure. In a case of individual or family therapy, confidentiality is a vital element of care ethics. In individual therapy, all practitioners must advise clients about the boundaries of confidentiality. Marriage and family counselors are held to the same standard. They also have a responsibility to their spouses or other household members: therapists must choose what secrecy means to the marriage or family group and how it will be sustained[CITATION Allon1 \l 1033 ]. In essence, there are two types of confidentiality concerns that are particular to marital and family therapy: (a) secrecy and (b) transitions from systemic to personal forms.

A non-secrecy approach is an alternative perspective to care ethics. The therapist prevents members of the family from providing information that could contribute to or establish an affiliation between the therapist and one family member. By conducting solely conjoint or family appointments, therapists who follow this technique minimize obtaining personal confidences. This protection, nevertheless, may be inadequate. Most patients may try to influence the therapist through secrets unless they are told of a non-secrecy policy before they begin treatment and are able to thoroughly assess the ramifications.


Lindström, M. N. (2020). What can Moral Psychology Contribute to the Understanding of an Ethics of Care? Teaching Ethics, 157-167.

Wilcoxon, A., & P., T. (5th edition). Ethical, Legal, and Professional Issues in the Practice of Marriage and Family Therapy. Pearson Education, Inc.

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Ethical Principle of care

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