write a technical management report according to the requirements.
you should use functions, formulae, charts etc. within Excel (or another computer package) rather than doing calculations or
producing displays by hand (though this would be a lot better than nothing at all).
Your report should be written according to the guidelines given in the document “Report Advice” available on Moodle. This
is important and a fairly high proportion of your mark will depend upon this (20%). A report that contains accurate
calculations but does not convey them in an appropriate way will not receive a high mark.
Your report should not need to be more than about 1015
pages long. If you make it a lot longer simply in order to include
every analysis or output you can think of, whether or not it could be useful, then you will end up losing marks.
In particular, 80% of the marks on this project are allocated for meeting each of the required analysis objectives. Marks will
be given for accurate and wellchosen
analyses, correct understanding and interpretation of the numerical answers and the
statistical concepts. 20% of the marks are allocated for the report’s structure, layout, presentation and general
professionalism including clarity and the quality of English (see the “Report Advice” document on Moodle).