Building Capacity for Substance Abuse Prevention

Video Response: Building Capacity

Throughout this course, you will utilize the Strategic Prevention Framework (SPF) model to develop a program addressing some aspect of substance abuse prevention.

Project TimelineFocusAssignment
Week 2Assess NeedsCOMPLETED
Week 3Build CapacityIdentify relevant resources and support
Week 4Plan: Review Similar StrategiesHighlight relevance of similar prevention programming
Week 5Plan: Examine LiteratureDevelop annotated bibliography
Week 6Plan: Create PlanCreate program overview
Week 7Implement & EvaluateCreate action plan and evaluation strategy
Week 8Prevention Program ProposalComprehensive proposal

This week, you task is to create a video response in which you discuss key considerations to building capacity for your target prevention program. Review The Strategic Prevention Framework and prepare a video response that addresses the following questions:

  1. How might you improve awareness of substance abuse problems and readiness of stakeholders to address these problems?
  2. What can be done to strengthen existing partnerships and/or identify new opportunities for collaboration?
  3. What strategies might you use to improve organizational resources?
  4. What needs to be done to develop and prepare the prevention workforce?

 Assignment Expectations:

  • Length: 10 minutes
  • Include the script used for the video (1,500 words)
  • References: cite references as required
  • Format: upload your video response to YouTube
  • Video Recording: Record your video directly on YouTube, or via Screencastomatic, or Prezi
  • Submission: submit the link to your video response to the Drop Box

I will need this completed for this week.

  1. How might you improve awareness of substance abuse problems and readiness of stakeholders to address these problems?
  • What can be done to strengthen existing partnerships and/or identify new opportunities for collaboration?
  • What strategies might you use to improve organizational resources?
  • What needs to be done to develop and prepare the prevention workforce?

Include the script used for the video (1,500 words)

References: cite references as required

Help with the script I will add to that script and submit the video.

Building Capacity

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