The time value of money custom essay.

Be sure to follow APA style guidelines and use MS Word (.doc). All submissions for all assignments should be carefully proof read and contain no spelling or grammatical errors.

Research Paper
The research paper represents a substantially completed paper, and should include the abstract, table contents, preliminary reference list, and the majority of the body, text, and content of the research paper.
• Introduction: The introduction should discuss the purpose of the paper, a brief summary of the content and conclusions.
• Table of Contents: Complete a brief bullet-point table of contents, outlining the proposed structure, organization, and logic of your research paper.
• Preliminary Reference List: The preliminary reference list consists of at least 5 preliminary reference sources you anticipate using in your research paper. It is expected that these reference sources may change.
The final research must meet all the requirements for this assignment. The research paper is submitted.

Research Papers are graded using the Final Research Paper Rubric included at the end of this syllabus and also available in the Blackboard classroom.

Please make sure that you are following the “Rubric”

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