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Use this as a method for formatting your Research Paper Outline:
How Is the U. S. Army Utilizing the Human Resource Model Today?
I. Introduction to the Topic
A. Definition of the Human Resource Model
B. Origin of the Human Resource Model
C. Differences Between the Traditional Model and the Human Resource Model
D. Major Indications (Indicators) of the Use of the Human Resource Model
1. Selection Process
2. Training
3. Appraisals
4. Motivation Techniques
5. Quality of Work Life
II. Indicators
A. Selection Process
B. Training
1. On the Job Training
2. Vestibule Training
3. Off Site Training
C. Appraisals
1. Critical Incident Method
2. Paired Comparisons
3. Peer Reviews.
D. Motivation Techniques
1. Maslow Theory
2. Vroom’s Theory
E. Quality of Work Life
III. Conclusion
IV. Works Cited:
Covey, Steven. Seven Habits of Highly Effective People. New York: Simon and Schuester, 1988.
“How the Army Compares to Private Companies,” Time Magazine, Volume XXX, Feb 10, 2008.
Daft and Marcic, Principles of Management, Fifth Edition. New York: Thomson Southwestern, Ny, 2006
“Why the Army Is a Great Employer,” Fortune Magazine, Volume XC, March 14, 1998