We can work on Unit 6 Evaluation Eleventh Grade English 2 ENGH 040 060

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Eleventh Grade English 2

ENGH 040 060

This evaluation will cover the lessons in this unit. It is open book, meaning you can use your textbook, syllabus, and other course materials. You will need to understand, analyze, and apply the information you have learned in order to answer the questions correctly. To submit the evaluation, follow the directions in your online course.

Select the response that best completes the statement or answers the question.

_____  1. What are antojos?

good deeds

_____  2. What event or activity is interrupted in medias res as the story “Antojos” begins?

Yolanda is talking to Jose.
Yolanda is driving in the country.
Yolanda is changing a tire.
Yolanda is eating a guava.

_____  3. In what way are Yolanda’s aunts’ warnings an example of foreshadowing in “Antojos”?

They suggest that Yolanda will return to the Dominican Republic.
They indicate that she will meet someone famous.
They suggest that something will happen to Yolanda.
They forecast an excursion with no problems.

_____  4. Which of the following details about the country roads in “Antojos” can be used to make a prediction about Yolanda’s trip?

The roads are paved.
The roads have no signs.
The roads lead to the ocean.
The roads are narrow and bumpy.

_____  5. Why does Yolanda allow the men to believe she is American and cannot speak Spanish?

Because of the fighting within her country, she feels she is safer being thought of as an outsider.
She enjoys lying about her identity.
She is ashamed of her heritage and plans to return to America anyway.
She believes the men are American.

_____  6. What do the narrator and the young woman do at the end of “Everything Stuck to Him”?

They go walk around Milan.
They stay home.
They go to a movie.
They return to the United States.

_____  7. Determine the best meaning of the word “striking” in the following passage from

“Everything Stuck to Him:” “Sally was the girl’s sister. She was striking.”

quietly sad

_____  8. What is the setting of “Everything Stuck to Him”?

Milan at Christmas
New York in the summer
Indiana in autumn
California for Easter

_____  9. The story within the story in “Everything Stuck to Him” is about       a. a winter night in Italy.

a young couple and their baby.
a father and his adult daughter.
a Christmas celebration.

_____  10. Which of the following best describes Raymond Carver’s style in “Everything Stuck to Him”?


_____  11. The dialogue in “Everything Stuck to Him” is minimalist because

it is brief.
it is filled with vivid adjectives.
it occurs between two people.
some of it occurred in the past.

_____  12. At the end of “Everything Stuck to Him,” the narrator reveals that

he was the boy in the story.
he does not care about the past.
he does not remember the young woman.
he did now know the boy in his story.

_____  13. In “Halley’s Comet,” which of the following line groups is end-stopped, rather than enjambed?

wrote its name in chalk / across the board and told us
and if it wandered off its course / and smashed into the earth
At supper I felt sad to think / that it was probably
searching the starry sky, / waiting for the world to end.

_____  14. In “Halley’s Comet,” the first two scenes portray the schoolteacher Miss Murphy and the red-headed preacher in the public square. How are these characters similar?

They both reassure the speaker.
They both know a lot about comets.
They both hint that the world may end soon.
They both talk about religion.

_____  15. After the speaker is sent to his room in “Halley’s Comet,” he says in lines 26–27, “The whole family’s asleep / except for me. They never heard me steal / into the stairwell hall and climb / the ladder to the fresh night air.” What is the speaker planning to do?

get back at his mother for scolding him
repent in case the comet comes
wait for his mother to come and take him away
wait for the world to end so he can see his deceased father

_____  16. In poems such as “Halley’s Comet,” enjambed lines are lines that do not end with a grammatical break and that do not make full sense without the line that follows. One reason that poets use enjambed lines is

to make the meter of a line more regular.
to emphasize important words.
to produce rhyming sounds.
to establish an informal tone.


_____  17. How does the tone in “Halley’s Comet” change in the last section of the poem (lines 30–37)?

The tone becomes more frightened.
The tone becomes angrier.
The tone becomes sadder and gentler.
The tone becomes more humorous.

_____  18. What is Stanley Kunitz’s poem “Halley’s Comet” mostly about?      a. a rare event in the night sky

a boy’s experiences at school
the speaker’s reflections on childhood and loss
the speaker’s observations of superstition

_____  19. In “Who Burns for the Perfection of Paper,” what is the connection between the poet’s high-school job and his later experience in law school?

He now goes to law school.
He worked with legal pads in both places.
He worked in the courtroom.
He got paper cuts in both places.

_____  20. What does the poet feel toward those who are still making legal pads in “Who Burns for the Perfection of Paper”?


_____  21. The author of “Who Burns for the Perfection of Paper” believes that           a. hard jobs make you a better person.

hard labor is behind many endeavors.
legal pads are poorly made.
students use too much paper in law school.

_____  22. Where is the speaker in the poem “Camouflaging the Chimera”?    a. at home in the United States

on a vacation in Bangkok
in a doorway

at war in Vietnam

_____  23. In “Camouflaging the Chimera,” why are the soldiers content to “be a hummingbird’s target?”

“Hummingbird” is military jargon for an American helicopter.
They are trying to hide themselves in the foliage of the jungle.
They are more afraid of the chameleons.
They are trying to avoid poisonous snakes.

_____  24. Which of these lines from “Camouflaging the Chimera” suggests the idea of soldiers becoming one with their environment?

“Wrestling iron through grass.”
“The river ran through our bones.”
“we held our breath”
“VC struggled / with the hillside”

_____  25. At the beginning of “Streets,” the poet is referring to someone who has

moved away.

gotten married.
gone to sleep.

_____  26. What is the setting of “Streets”?

a country road
a city
an apartment building
a bedroom

_____  27. In “Streets,” which of the following images is used to describe a person’s death?

“One more window dark”
“There grows a whole company of us”
“Overhead loud grackles are claiming their trees”
“Each thing in its time”

_____  28. Why does the speaker in “Traveling Through the Dark” say it is best to roll dead deer into the canyon?

To keep people from feeling sad when they see the dead animal.
To keep other animals from investigating the deer’s body.
To discourage other drivers from stopping to talk to the speaker.

To prevent other cars from swerving to miss hitting the deer, which could cause a car wreck.

_____  29. How does the deer, the central image in “Traveling Through the Dark,” change from the beginning of the poem to the middle of the poem?

It goes from being just a dead deer to being a dead deer with a live fawn.
It goes from being alive to being dead.
First it is a deer, then the speaker thinks it is a cow.
The speaker thinks it is dead but it is alive.

_____  30. The narrator in “One Day, Broken in Two,” compares America to

a toy truck
a sandwich
a tea cup
a bowl

_____  31. In “Traveling Through the Dark,” as the speaker thinks about what to do with the deer, his thoughts are “swerving,” which means

he is thinking about driving on curving roads.
he thinks straight through his problem without wavering.
his thoughts shift back and forth from one idea to another.
he barely gives the deer any thought at all.

_____  32. The girls in “The Secret” find the secret of life in a line of poetry but the poet who wrote the line does not know the secret, which suggests that

the girls are smarter than the poet.
poems mean different things to different people.
the poet did not really write the poem.
poetry has no real meaning.

_____  33. In “The Secret,” the speaker’s flash of understanding is that           a. some people think there is a secret of life.

some people love to read poetry.
she actually loves her own poetry.
she meets people who read her poems.

_____  34. What rhetorical question does the narrator ask in “One Day, Broken in Two?”

What happened?
Where did it happen?
Who are we now?

Who did it?


_____  35. In “Urban Renewal,” why does Ramsay get upset at the sanitation workers?         a. He thinks they have taken too long to clean up the walkway.

He thinks they should be working at Ground Zero, not in Brooklyn.
He thinks they are cleaning up the tributes to those killed in the 9/11 attacks.
He thinks they are doing a poor job of cleaning up since there are many objects still on the walkway.

_____  36. Why does Ramsay like the tributes that he sees on the walkway?             a. They are valuable works of art.

They show that people are ready to go to war.
They distract people from the horror of the 9/11 attacks.
They help him and others to grieve and to remember what happened.

_____  37. Why is Ramsay’s story valuable?

It is an example of great literature and should be preserved as such.
It persuades people not to take down tributes to victims of a tragedy.
It is a first-person historical record of important events as they happened.
It requires the listener or reader to have background knowledge about the event.

_____  38. What background knowledge does a listener or reader need to have in order to understand and appreciate Ramsay’s story?

the full schedules of Brooklyn’s sanitation workers
that Ramsay won a story slam contest with this story
the names of the people pictured in the walkway tributes
that almost 3,000 people died in the 9/11 attacks on the World Trade Center

_____  39. In “Playing for the Fighting Sixty-Ninth,” why does Harvey consider his hours playing at the armory to be the most meaningful time he has ever had as a musician?

because he was able to use his music to help people feel better during a terrible tragedy
because he played the most technically perfect music he has ever played before in

his life

because he played for more hours straight and more difficult pieces than he has ever played before
because he realizes that he no longer wants to be a professional musician and

would rather join the National Guard instead

_____  40. What form of primary source is William Harvey’s account “Playing for the Fighting Sixty-Ninth”?

an email
a transcript
an oral history
a journal entry

_____  41. Who was the original intended audience for Harvey’s story about his time with the Fighting Sixty-Ninth?

his family
the Colonel of the 69th
his instructors at Juilliard
a major New York newspaper

_____  42. How does Tan’s mother’s presence in an audience affect Tan’s awareness of her speech?

She realizes that she never uses formal, standardized English with her mother.
She realizes that her mother cannot understand her because her mother speaks only Chinese.
She slips into “broken English” out of habit because her mother is there.
She can no longer concentrate on her speech and gives up, apologizing to her audience.

_____  43. How do you know that Tan’s mother understands English better than her spoken English seems to indicate?

Tan’s transcribed “family talk” shows that her mother is faking her broken English.
Tan’s mother taught her how to write.
Tan’s mother can answer word analogies and sentence completion questions.
Tan’s mother reads business magazines and novels with ease.

_____  44. In “Mother Tongue,” why does Tan’s mother have Tan speak on the phone for her?         a. because Tan’s mother is embarrassed about her broken English

because Tan’s mother gets too angry to speak
because Tan’s mother can speak only Chinese, so she must rely on Tan’s English to communicate
because Tan speaks perfect English and gets better results than her mother, who

speaks broken English

_____  45. In “Mother Tongue,” Tan posing as her mother on the telephone reveals that Tan

is dishonest.
is controlling.
feels empathy for her mother.
feels embarrassed by her mother.

_____  46. Why did Tan become a writer, even though her math skills were better than her English skills in school?

Her mother did not want her to become an engineer.
Her skill with word analogies convinced her that writing was her calling.
She has a rebellious nature and enjoys disproving people’s assumptions about her.
She wanted to show her mother that learning English well leads to success in America.

_____  47. Why does Dove choose to reflect upon how books look, feel, and smell to her?    a. because books inspired her love of reading, writing, and stories

because she realizes that books are becoming less and less important today
because she never has time to read anymore now that she is a writer
because she finds the appearance and smell of old books to be unappealing

_____  48. What does Dove’s family’s library in their solarium imply about her family?

They think having a large collection of books makes them look intelligent and wealthy.
They feel sorry for their daughter and want her to read a lot because she has no friends.
They value reading and learning enough to maintain a growing personal library.
They do not take good care of their belongings and leave their books to get dusty and old.

_____  49. By describing her love of the story in which an outcast boy becomes a hero, what point is Dove making in “For the Love of Books”?

Books allow readers to identify with others.
Even science fiction can stir strong emotions.
We should be considerate of one another’s feelings.
Writers find inspiration in unlikely places.

_____  50. Which of the following would be a main topic in an outline of Dove’s essay “For the Love of Books”?

favorite books and stories
analog science fiction magazine
leather bindings
grade school spelling lists

Carefully check your answers on this evaluation and make any corrections you feel are necessary. When you are satisfied that you have answered the questions to the best of your ability, transfer your answers to an answer sheet. Please refer to the information sheet that came with your course materials.


Unit 6 Evaluation Eleventh Grade English 2 ENGH 040 060

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