We can work on The group in 12 angry men

Watch the 1957 film with Henry Fonda of “12 Angry Men” on you tube or elsewhere. Write a Paper that analyzes the small group dynamics in the film “12 Angry Men”. The following topics in chapters 8, 9 must be discussed and applied to the task oriented group identified in the movie.

  1. Type of Group
  2. Characteristics of the group
  3. Culture, Gender and Ethnicity
  4. Roles (Task, Maintenance, Dysfunctional) and Effective and Ineffective Group Members
  5. Conflict Styles, Outcomes and Escalators
  6. Group Problem Solving Method
  7. Leadership Style, theories and Effective and Ineffective Leadership Styles
  8. Characteristics of Successful or Unsuccessful Group
  9. Discuss how the group interaction might be improved.

Sample Solution

he importance of work performance comes on the back of several studies. For instance, some studies have shed light on the relationship with corporate climate (Suliman, 2005), organizational commitment (Suliman, 2000 & 2002), justice and satisfaction (Suliman, 2007), personality (Suliman, 2010), organizational culture and job satisfaction and climate services (Mathew et al, 2011). Factors of work performance Job performance or what is known as Job Performance Employees (EJP) have certain factors play a major role in building this building components, competencies and skills. The EJP is building a multi-dimensional as evidenced (Angle and Lawson, 1994 and Kaleberg and Marsden, 1995). The variables used multidimensional scale that can be compared with other variables (eg commitment) and understand the relationship between them. Farh et al. (1991) states that the achievement has four factors after examining the self-assessment survey of China and Taiwan; therefore revealed four factors to understand the job duties, job skills, willingness to work and work performance. The performance consists of the quality and quantity according to the study. Suliman (2001) studied the performance of various dimensionality in Jordan with 1000 employees rating the performance of self and immediate supervisor performance ratings. Thus, Suliman study revealed five factors using a scale developed eighteen items (elements) used in this study that scale are combined in the third part of this research study (see Appendix I). Performance scale developed by Suliman (2001) and Farh et al. (1991). Suliman (2001) developed a factor are Understanding Performance Work Tasks, Work Skills, Work Spirit, dimensions Job Performance (JP – consisting of two factors Quality and Quantity) and innovation. This helps the organization during the market challenges to enable their employees to improve their professional skills performance.>

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