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Discussion 1: Methods of Measuring

The center point of research studies is the body of data collected to answer the research question. These data must be measured, which is the act of taking an abstract concept (e.g., depression, anger, etc.), sorting them out and quantifying them in some cohesive way in order to construct meaning—but how can you measure something that is not easily quantifiable?

Choosing an appropriate measurement tool requires consideration of a number of different issues including reliability, validity, appropriateness for use with a specific group or culture, availability, and potential cost. Sometimes, social workers will attempt to create their own set of questions to tap into or measure a concept. This may appear to be an easy thing to do; however, writing questions to measure a phenomenon is more challenging than it would seem. For example, how do we know it measures what we want it to measure? In the first discussion this week, you will have the opportunity to create your own questions to measure a phenomenon of your interest. In the second discussion, you will compare the measure you created with an existing instrument that measures the same phenomenon.

To prepare: Choose one phenomenon or issue that a client may be dealing with (for example, depression, anxiety, or family conflict). Consider how you would evaluate the client’s progress in this area. Create questions with response options that would capture this phenomenon or client issue.

By Day 3

  • Identify the phenomenon you would measure and explain how you conceptualize this phenomenon.
  • Provide at least 3 questions you would use to measure this phenomenon and explain how these questions operationalize the phenomenon.
  • Define reliability in 2-3 sentences and give one example of how you would establish reliability for the questions you created.
  • Define validity in 2-3 sentences and give one example of how you would establish validity for the questions you created.
  • Create a measurement plan to assess the phenomenon.
    • Describe the methodology you would use to collect data using your measurement tool (your method for acquiring this research data).
    • Explain the advantages and disadvantages of your choices.

By Day 5

Respond to a colleague’s post by suggesting two alternative methods for measuring their phenomenon. Explain why your suggestions have value. Please use the resources to support your answer

Colleague: Paul

Identify the phenomenon you would measure and explain how you conceptualize this phenomenon.

The issue my client is dealing with is depression, it resulted from the loss of his wife of 28 years. I would conceptualize this phenomenon by taking a look at how it is affecting my client.

Provide at least 3 questions you would use to measure this phenomenon and explain how these questions operationalize the phenomenon

The first question I will use to measure this phenomenon is

  1. How is depression changing my client’s life?
  2. How is my client overcoming his depression?
  3. How much progress has my client made in coming out of depression?

The first question will help to measure the degree of depression affecting my client. The second question will measure the effort that my client is making to overcome his depression while the third question will measure the overall progress my client has made in overcoming his depression.

Define reliability in 2-3 sentences and give one example of how you would establish reliability for the questions you created.

The term reliability refers to the consistency in a research study or measuring a test. If findings from a research study are replicated consistently, it is considered a reliable data or findings. I would establish reliability in the questions I created by making sure that degree of depression in my client’s life is adequately measured. The true efforts my client is making to end his depression will also be measured and followed by the measurement of the overall progress my client is making in his fight against his depression.

Define validity in 2-3 sentences and give one example of how you would establish validity for the questions you created.

Validity refers to how accurately a method measures the things that are supposed to be measured. Validity is also a reliable measurement of things such as properties, characteristic and variation in social physical and social world. I will use established validity to measure the questions I created by making sure that the research method measure things such as the well-being of my client, his level of happiness , relationship with friends and family and the extent of his depression.

Create a measurement plan to assess the phenomenon.

My measurement plan will include accurate measurement of my client’s depression on a weekly basis. Things such as level of happiness and his well-being will be measured.

Describe the methodology you would use to collect data using your measuring tool (your method for acquiring the research data.

I will use a one-on-one interview with my client to collect data regarding his depression. I will also look at the opinions of professional such as psychologists and medical doctors to come up with a reliable data for my research.

Explain the advantages and disadvantages of your choices.

One of the advantages of my choice is that one-on-one interview gives me that opportunity to physically look at my client as him or her orally talk to me about his or her depression. One-on-one interview often leads to a more reliable date. One of the disadvantages of one-in-on interview is that client may not be as honest as he or she would have been when they are on a one-on –one interview.


Creating a measurement plan (2015) Retrieved from signalinc. Com/creating-measurement-plan/.

Windle, G, Benett, K. M. & Noyes, J. (2011) A methodological review of resilience scales Health and Quality of Life Outcomes, 9, 2-18

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