We can work on Social media, overall, helps or hurts America society.​

Write an essay that argues that social media, overall, helps or hurts America society.​ Use statistics, facts, and narratives to support your claims/opinions

Sample Solution

Since the dawn of psychology, there have been researches which were conducted to understand man’s behavior and reason behind these actions and reactions and how it affects language acquisition, including L2 acquisition, amongst others. This study examined the awareness of temperament types among Turkish L2 speakers, and went on to analyze if and how the various temperaments affect language learning, acquisition and skills in intermediate level Turkish English language learners. Also, the study proposed suitable teaching techniques for the examined temperaments as it relates to learning. Since understanding an individual’s temperament can go a long way in determining how they best respond to several teaching approaches and help make learning and teaching more effective, this study sets out to investigate the influence of temperament on acquisition of linguistic knowledge, specifically, the influence, if any, of different temperaments in Turkish intermediate proficiency level in acquiring a second language, in other words, the study examines how participants’ temperament types in an L2 environment determine whether they outperform other temperament types or not, why this is so, and how teaching can be tailored to best reflect individual temperaments in a teaching-learning environment to maximize the reception and absorption of knowledge. The primary data consisted of human subjects, consisting of fifty males and females to make a total of hundred, who took a personality test to determine the category they belong to in their temperament, and in addition went through tests based on different skills: vocabulary, grammar, comprehension, and reading, while also being tested in an oral interview for the speaking aspect of L2. The subjects for data collection were purposively selected and the collated data was analyzed using SPSS (version 20.0) while utilizing ANOVA and Spearman’s Correlation Analysis.>

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