We can work on GEN S420 Grossmont College Accessibility Evaluation the Ed Roberts Campus Discussion – Assignment Help

I’m studying for my Social Science class and need an explanation.

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You will explore the concept of universal design and the accessibility features of

The Ed Roberts Campus at UC Berkeley via two short videos:

  • Ed Roberts Campus: Building Community https://youtu.be/7THtXFm_954
  • The Ed Roberts Campus https://youtu.be/4Vh51HYJA-0
  • Under each question (it is 7 questions) Responses must be in short essay/paragraph.

Throughout your paper, use of person-first language is required. Respectful language is required. Inspiration porn is unacceptable. Proper disability-related language etiquette is required. I can give you a guidelines on this if you want it.

  1. What does universal design mean? Find at least 2 online definitions and put those definitions into your own words and write your definition here.
  1. Who was Ed Roberts and what did he believe to be important?
  2. Is The Ed Roberts Campus equally accessible to all groups of people? If so, which groups of people is it accessible to? And if not, which group(s) of people with disabilities is it not accessible to? Explain why you have come to this conclusion.
  3. What are some universal design features/qualities at The Ed Roberts Campus that make it accessible?
  1. There are many barriers on a day-to-day basis that make accessibility a challenge for people with disabilities. What barriers exist in the community at large that make accessibility more challenging? Think of barriers you have noticed in your own community. You may also take a look at historical footage via this video link to help refresh your memory: https://youtu.be/KRJM4hqj_JQ.Are the features/qualities and barriers you recognize man-made in the current moment? Or are they the result of the initial design? Explain.
  1. Add a photo of and a paragraph describing a real place that has poor accessibility features. The photo may be acquired in person or on the internet. However, you must provide a paragraph explaining why you have concluded that this place is not fully accessible. What would you change to make it accessible to more people?
  1. Add a photo of and a paragraph describing a real place that has excellent accessibility features. The photo may be acquired in person or on the internet. However, you must include a paragraph explaining why you believe that this place is fully accessible.Be sure to do ample research to ensure that this place is actually designed for full accessibility.

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