We can work on Ethics Paper


Define Ethics. Using your own understanding (from research and textbooks) of what the word means.        Do not just cut and paste a dictionary definition.
Describe how ethics will play a part of your future career as a professional and manager.
Find a recent news article (within 7 years) where a business or businessperson was acting unethically. Summarize the article.  Also, highlight exactly what the business or businessperson did that was unethical.  Highlight the outcomes of the business or businesspersons unethical actions.
Attach a PDF copy of the news article to this assignment.  DO NOT LINK TO THE ARTICLE…ATTACH THE ARTICLE!!!!

Total assignment should be 1 2 pages.  Typed (12 font)

You cannot use the Scott London article discussed in class.https://www.latimes.com/business/la-fi-kpmg-london-20140425-story.html

Upload your assignment submission directly to this assignment



Ethics refers to the moral principles and values that guide an individual’s behavior and decision-making. It encompasses a set of standards for right and wrong behavior, based on concepts such as fairness, respect, responsibility, and integrity. Ethics are concerned with what is good for individuals and society as a whole, and they provide a framework for individuals to make decisions that reflect these values.

In my future career as a professional and manager, ethics will play a critical role in guiding my behavior and decision-making. As a professional, I will be expected to adhere to ethical standards in my interactions with colleagues, clients, and stakeholders. This means conducting myself in a manner that is respectful, honest, and fair.


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