Corporate Finance Assignment Dissertation Help

Corporate Finance

Case study write-ups must include the following sections:
Introduction/Background: Introduce the case and provide brief background details to help set up your analysis. This is also a good time to tell your reader how you plan to analyze the case study 
Analysis: Provide data or other analyses to arrive at an informed recommendation or recommendations.
Recommendation(s): Provide the reader with your recommendation(s) based on your well-reasoned analysis from the prior section. Be sure that the reader can follow your recommendations
from what you did in the Analysis section.
In addition, case study write-ups must be formatted using standard font sizing (11), margin sizing (1 inch),
and line spacing (not more than double spaced). Guidelines for completing the case study write-ups will be
available on the courses Blackboard site.

Casefile and Case Study Questions are attached below please follow questions while writing

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