We can work on Business Logistics

Supply Chain Innovations by Wal-Mart.

Wal-Mart is well know to be a leader in Supply Chain Management. This week’s writing assignment is related to Wal-Mart. Search the internet, the APUS library, books, periodicals, articles. In a minimum of at least 300 words describe innovations Wal-Mart has brought to Supply Chain Management. Lecture 2 in the TLMT352 Folder in Course Materials is meant only to give you some things to think about. Please do not rehash the points made in Lecture 2. Bring completely new things to the table. Please cite from where you have gotten your material. You may want to concentrate on technology innovations Wal-Mart has instituted.

Sample Solution

dentities is highly important for infants at their early stage of growth and development (Our Watch, 2018). Children learn about values, behaviours, skills, and attitude from their surrounding environment at a tender age. Support of rigid gender stereotypes can hinder kid’s progress and negatively shape their career choice, ability to process emotions, and future relationships. Gender stereotype is also witnessed in societies in treatment of expectant mothers. During baby showers colours such as pink and blue are used to reveal the child’s gender as either a female and male respectively. Some communities express happiness when the newborn is a boy and vice versa when it is a girl. Family friends and members of the extended family may even mock the parents if the new born is a girl and make comments on how difficult it is to raise a girl (Our Watch, 2018). This type of environment creates a challenge for parents to let their children freely choose what interest them without being affected by what people say. The society needs to encourage parents and guardians to form and structure children’s environments that are free of gender inequalities for they are their first primary source of information and education. There is need for parents and guardians to give children freedom to be themselves and choose what they would want to be in future (Hankivsky & Mussell, 2018). Recent surveys have shown that parents of young girls are very comfortable when their children are engaging in masculine games, whereas parents to male children are not so pleased with their kids playing girls games. There is an effect of most parents challenging stereotypes advanced by cultures, and are enabling their children, specifically, girls, to be whom they want to be. Conclusion Through gender theories, it is possible to change current stories that affect both men and women in the society. In contemporary society, most cases have been reported about gender violence in all media platforms. Both governments and the media can play an essential role in addressing gender violence activities, particularly for women gender since they are more negatively impacted by both traditional and cultural stereotypes. Most factors that cause gender inequalities are the same factors that lead to women violence as revealed by both national and international research surveys. In addressing the damaging gender stereotypes that drive violence against women, there is a necessity that non-governmental organizations, governments, the community, an>

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