Stephen Holl is described as �a contemporary master of natural-light manipulation.� Analyse Holl�s manipulation of light two of his buildings, such as Kiasma, in Helsinki.
Order Description
� Identification of key issues in addressing essay question
� Quality of construction of your arguments and depth of your analysis of issues (simply joining long quotations with linking sentences is not sufficient)
� Evidence of reading and research (eg., the range and quality of texts/journal articles, as demonstrated by their use in the paper and its referencing)
� Appropriate literacy skills: grammar, spelling, sentence and paragraph construction,
� Clarity and coherence: the organization, expression and presentation of ideas in a logical manner
� Use of correct referencing & a separate bibliography. Avoidance of plagiarism through complete and accurate referencing
� Appropriate illustrations, correctly cited
� Standard of presentation � presentation always counts in design. This includes meeting
formatting requirements and overall quality of the presentation.
Referencing must have 3 books and 3 websites with footnotes and bibliography.