Leadership in health services management custom essay.


  1. “Leadership and management are two distinct but complimentary systems.  While managers promote stability, leaders press for change.  Only organizations that can embrace both sides of that contradiction can thrive in turbulent times” (Kotter, 1995).  Demonstrate in your presentation leadership and management tasks and critically evaluate Kotter’s view in the context of health service organizations. Presentation


Presentation length:  Equivalent 10-15 minute presentation

Any format for presentation is acceptable (presentation supported by PowerPoint; posters; audio-visuals etc).

On-line students can use any appropriate format to present their work (e.g. but not limited to –

preparation of a PowerPoint slide set (with or without voice over); short video clip; poster (s) etc etc etc).

NoteL: Please take appropriate articles/ journals which have proper citation

Reference style: APA 6

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