Key features of the contract of employment

Key features of the contract of employment

Briefly, critique the key features of the contract of employment. Explain the principal sources that can change laws with a brief summary of the main developments in individual and employment law.
Here, you need to explain the importance of the contract of employment and the key elements contained within it. You must also explain how the law is made, referring to both UK and European Union legislation. Then you need to summarise key developments in employment law. You cannot include everything; just highlight two or three recent changes.


Features of a contract of employment are those details that should be or are often included in contracts of employment to adequately define what is expected of the employee and the employer. Every work relationship will be governed by a contract of employment, and although an employment contract doesn’t need to be given in writing, it is highly recommended, and those that are written should cover certain basic details to be effective.

Features of Contracts of Employment

If a written contract is made for employment, details that should be covered or are often covered in it may include:

Parties involved. This will be the employer and the employee, the identity of which will usually be stated at the beginning of an employment contract. This is an essential detail of any contract.

Job information. Basic information about the job, including its title, department (if any), supervisor (if any), and performance evaluation criteria, should be covered.

Benefits and compensation. How an employee will be compensated for their work should be covered, as well as what non-salary benefits they may receive, if any. Compensation could include wages, salaries, and bonuses. Benefits could include medical plans, including dental and eye care; vacation allowances; profit-sharing; stock options; 401k matching; and vehicle and travel allowances. How and when these may be received should be defined.

Employee classification. Whether an employee is full-time or part-time should be detailed, as well as if an employee can offer services to other employers or be self-employed. A worker’s status as an employee or contractor is also important to define for insurance and tax purposes.

Employment schedule and period. Whether an employee’s period of employment will be for a set term or ongoing should be stated. The hours of employment and whether they are flexible are valuable information related to this topic, as is whethe remote employment is an option. Whether overtime will be required should also be covered.

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