IELTS Essay Fatherhood Ought to be Emphasised as much as Motherhood.

Fatherhood Ought to be Emphasised as much as motherhood.

Fatherhood should be valued in the same way that motherhood is. The notion that women are solely responsible for deciding whether or not to have children leads to the notion that women are solely responsible for raising the children.

To what extent do you agree or disagree?

40 minutes, 250 words at least.

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Fatherhood Ought to be Emphasised as much as Motherhood.

Mothers are generally believed to be solely responsible for the birth and upbringing of their children. Whereas, the role of fathers has always been underestimated in this respect. I firmly believe that fathers should be proactive as far as their responsibilities are concerned regarding raising children since… This essay shall explicate the reasons for the supremacy of females and the demanding factors for fathers to be at par with mothers. (MENTION the reasons supporting your views.)

Since time immemorial, mothers have been taking care of children, and they are looked upon as an embodiment of love and care (IDEA = mothers are an embodiment of love and care). (Explanation: How are they an embodiment of love and care?). Even children love to spend time on their mother’s laps. Moreover (this is not a new idea but an explanation of the previous idea), mothers are highly bothered and more concerned about their kid’s needs than fathers, and they can go to extremes to ensure the safety and well-being of their offspring. Furthermore, it is only mothers who have achieved the status of God, as they lay the foundation of a strong character for their children. Please explain this idea. How does a woman lay the foundation of a strong character?). Women also make their children aware of their filial responsibilities (How?). Hence, such a strong persona of mothers has overshadowed the role of fathers in children’s lives.

The above paragraph suffers from two major issues: 1. It lacks a proper explanation of ideas. 2. It is NOT about your opinion.)

Another side of the coin is that, on the other hand, children always try to avoid being in the company of their fathers, as they have rigid and rough personalities (explain this idea). However, we can say it is a time for change because a paradigm shift has been noticed in the roles played by both parents. (Is this paradigm shift related to faith? If yes, please mention that.). This is either due to women rubbing their shoulders with men in every sphere of life or fathers becoming more liberal towards children. Therefore, it is the need of the hour that men should be more concerned about their fatherhood by becoming sensible towards the requirements of their children. The question is not about fathers becoming more like mothers. It is about the role of fatherhood.) (The paragraph is weak on task response)

Conclusively, In conclusion, it is undeniable that females are outperforming in child-rearing practices; men should also take the lead to come at par with mothers. (Need to work on conclusion. However, body paragraphs are the priority.)

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