“How Song, Dance and Movies Bailed Us Out of the Depression,” custom essay

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Read: Perspectives, “Dream Machines,” pgs. 211213,
“The Worst is Yet to Come,” pgs. 225228,
“Print Media and the Rabbit Hole,” pgs. 253255,
“Getting Real with Reality TV,” pgs. 272276,
“How Song, Dance and Movies Bailed Us Out of the Depression,” pgs. 299301
Reader Response #2: Respond to only ONE of the following four (4) choices:
1. “Personal Experience,” pg. 213,
2. “Personal Experience,” pg. 228,
3. “Personal Experience,” pg. 276, OR
4. “Personal Experience,” pg. 301
In 300500
words, respond to the visuals on page 306 in our textbook, Perspectives. Use the 3 questions listed on the page
to develop your response.
* Required textbook: Perspective on Contemporary Issues: Reading Across Disciplines, 7th edition. Katherine Anne Ackley
“How Song, Dance and Movies Bailed Us Out of the Depression,” pages 299301

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