Update references in Lit Review to be from 201 -2016 only.
Require updates to references older than 2011-2016 unless specific to assessments or theories. Biggest updates will be Chapter 3 and any appendices added. Will need writer 7857 or 4472 due to prior involvement. If only TOP WRITER, please cancel. This should be professional writing only.
I figure the chapter 3 updates and ref updates will be 10 pages total. Appendices may incur more cost if needed. For Chapter 3, currently very weak. Some thoughts to share. Remember Chapter 3 is to be done as though you were to do your study tomorrow. All of your materials need to be up to snuff. The entire
procedure is to be outlined and that includes how things will be conducted, letter for letter. If you are doing a qualitative study you need to talk about how you are going to record the material, how it is transcribed, how you will determine themes. How you will have someone who is a colleague go over your work. Also remember to include the role of the researcher in your study. You won’t
get through URR or the IRB without this information.
Comments from Prof: I suggest you in some way make it clear how you will determine where people fit and then go on to send them to the second part. You are not taking into account that you may not want to interview everyone for the entire 2nd half and you do have to make a determination. If you want to get a clear difference you need to take adaptors and innovators with clear differences.
Also you need to be precise as to the procedure and you are far from it. It has to have your forms and all of the material that you are going to give your subjects including agreement forms. Your method section has to be everything you need.