History of Fashion Susan Avila Winter 2016 CONTEMPORARY ADAPTATION ASSIGNMENT SUMMARY: Identify the key stylistic features of historical dress from a specific time period. Research and identify contemporary images that reflect similarities with their historical counterparts and demonstrate a contemporary adaptation of the historical clothing or accessory. Present a historical and a contemporary image side by side with a statement explaining the stylistic commonalities and cultural significance of each garment.
Use only 8½” x 11” size paper for each adaptation. Each adaptation should include two pages. Place both images on the same page side by side with the image citations following instructions listed under Page One. Your statement should be on a separate page following instructions listed under Page Two.
Make sure your name is on every page. Pages that are incorrectly formatted will lose points.
1. Include a title with the correct historical time period.
2. Attach a visual representation depicting a historical piece of clothing from the appropriate time period—use the time periods listed below. For your historical example try to find images of actual sources of evidence such as artwork (sculpture, paintings, frescoes, friezes, stamps, illuminated manuscripts, pottery, etc.), or extant garments. Secondary illustration of historical garments (i.e. any drawing that is less than 100 years old or is a drawing of another artwork) will receive fewer points. The level of thought and depth of research you incorporate in finding your images will be reflected in your grade. For example, images from course lectures or your textbook are acceptable but are not considered well researched and will likely result in lower points.
3. Attach a visual representation depicting a contemporary piece of clothing from anytime within the last 12 months. This may be an original photograph, scanned from a magazine, book, or other photo, or copied from the Internet. If you have questions about the time period of any of your images please feel free to email the image link to the professor or TA.
4. Include all of the sources, accurately documented, for your visual images below each image.
Critical Thinking:
For each adaptation, write a concise description/justification of your choices that is no more than 300 words (11point font, Times New Roman). The description/justification statement should be double spaced on one sheet of paper. If you go over one page 300 word limit then you need to edit some of your writing or you will have points deducted. The level of thought and imagination of your answer will determine your points. For example if all of your “meanings” are only about status then your points may reflect your lack of imagination.
Include answers to the following:
a) Why do you think your contemporary garment is an adaptation of your historical garment?
b) What is interesting about the comparison of these two garments?
c) Describe who would have worn the historical garment and who will wear the contemporary garment and why.
d) Suggest any meanings these garments may have when they are worn and what image might be projected to society. Refer to chapter 1 in your textbook as well as themes/concepts covered in class. Include any/all of your statement citations together on one page organized by time period. The citation bibliography can be an additional page at the end of your file document. History of Fashion Susan Avila Winter 2016
All adaptations must be submitted electronically to the Smartsite drop box by the deadlines shown. You will also need to turn in a hard copy of your 1st adaptation during your discussion section. Please follow the instructions below to avoid losing points: All of the adaptations due on the same day should be saved as one file in a.pdf file format and include your own name in the file name.
For example, for adaptations #1 a file submitted by Susan Avila would consist of 2-3 pages (images & statement for each adaptation plus one optional page for any citations/bibliography) named and for adaptation #4-6 the file would consist of seven pages (2 pages for each adaptation plus one for sources) named Adaptation #1 is due in the drop box by 3:10pm on Wednesday, January 13 (hard copies to be turned in during your discussion section that day) Adaptation #2 is due in the drop box by 3:10pm on Wednesday, January 20 (no hard copies) Adaptation #3 is due in the drop box by 3:10pm on Monday, January 25 (no hard copies) Adaptations #4-6 are due in the drop box by 3:10pm on Wednesday, February 10 (no hard copies) Adaptations #7-9 are due in the drop box by 3:10pm on Monday, February 29 (no hard copies) Adaptation #10 is due in the drop box by 3:10pm on Wednesday, March 9 (no hard copies)
The historical time periods for the adaptations are as follows:
#1: The Ancient Middle East (follow time period and cultures as included in your textbook)
#2: Greek or Roman (follow time period and cultures as included in your textbook)
#3: Middle Ages (follow time period and cultures as included in your textbook)
#4: 16th Century (1500-1599)
#5: 17th Century (1600-1690)
#6: 18th Century (1700-1780)
#7: early 19th Century (1800-1830)
#8: mid 19th Century (1831-1865)
#9: late 19th Century (1870-1890)
#10: first half 20th Century (1901-1947)
If you have any questions about your adaptations please ask/email at least 3 days before they are due. Please do not hesitate to ask for help of any kind including uploading your files and digital preparation. If you scan images reduce them to a small file size before inserting them into your document so you don’t go over the Smartsite file limit.
Make sure your images and text are formatted correctly when converted to the .pdf file. If you turn in your adaptation past the due date it is your responsibility to let your TA know it is in the drop box or it may not be graded. All assignments must be placed in the Smartsite drop box; emailed assignments will be automatically rejected. Read carefully and follow all instructions above. GRADING CRITERIA: Each adaptation is worth 35 points.
There are 10 adaptations for a total of 350 points, which will comprise 40% of your final grade. Late assignments will lose 2 points each day after the time due on the due date; no assignments will be accepted more than one week late. Incorrect file names, file formats (not a .pdf file) or multiple files on the same due date (when they should be saved as one file) will lose 2 points per adaptation.
The grading criteria are as follows:
For Each Adaptation, Visual Examples: 10 points Critical Thinking: 20 points Citations & Labeling: 5 points History of Fashion Susan Avila Winter 2016 SPECIFIC POINT BREAKDOWN: Visual: contemporary images that are more than 12 months old will automatically lose 5 points. 10: Excellent examples, garments are obviously related, great images that are easy to read, examples demonstrate a high level of thought in that they are unique and well researched. 9: Very good examples, garments are clearly related, great images that are easy to read, examples demonstrate a high level of thought in that they are unique and well researched.
Good examples, garments are related, images are clear and easy to see, image choices may not reflect a high level of thought if they are just pulled from the lecture or textbook. 7: Good examples, garments are related but may not be so obvious, images may not be perfectly clear and easy to see, image choices may not reflect a high level of thought if they are just pulled from the lecture or textbook. 6: Fair examples, the two garments could be related but it is not immediately obvious, images may not be clear or easy to see. Image might not be from primary source.
Fair examples, it is not obvious how the images are related, images may not be clear or easy to see. Image comes from textbook or lecture. 4: Poor examples, images may not be clear or easy to read. 3: Poor examples, only one image is readable. 2: Missing images, images not readable. 1: Only one image. 0: no images. CRITICAL THINKING Your narrative should include answers to the questions above but it should be written in an essay form. Pages that just list the questions and answers will lose 3 points. Each question answered in the body of your essay is worth 5 points, 20 points total for this section. a) Why do you think your contemporary garment is an adaptation of your historical garment?
Excellent—Justification of your comparison is extremely detailed, thought provoking, insightful, and logical based on the images provided. 4:Very good— Justification of your comparison is detailed, insightful, and logical based on the images provided. 3:Good – Justification of your comparison is good, it could be more detailed or logical based on the images provided. 2:Fair—need to provide a better explanation of how the two garments are related. 1:Poor—answer is hard to understand or it doesn’t make sense. 0: Doesn’t answer the question. b) What is interesting about the comparison of these two garments? 5: Excellent—Answer reflects a high level of thought and critical thinking about why you chose this comparison and how the garment relates to the course concepts/themes with detailed and specific inclusions about the social, political, or cultural relevance.
Very good—answer is detailed, thoughtful and demonstrates critical thinking. 3:Good—answer is thoughtful but could be more detailed or demonstrate more critical thinking. 2: Fair –answer doesn’t demonstrate enough critical thinking or imagination. 1: Poor –Needs to include more information and explain relevance to course concepts. 0: Doesn’t answer the question. c) Describe who would have worn the historical garment and who will wear the contemporary garment and why. 5: Excellent—answer reflects a strong understanding of the time period and the relevance of the clothing. 4:Very good – answer reflects a very good understanding of the time period and the relevance of the clothing. 3:Good – answer reflects a good understanding of the time period and the relevance of the clothing.
Fair – answer reflects a fair understanding of the time period and the relevance of the clothing. 1: Poor – answer reflects a poor understanding of the time period and the relevance of the clothing. 0: Doesn’t answer the question. History of Fashion Susan Avila Winter 2016 d) Suggest any meanings these garments may have when they are worn and what image would be projected to society. 5: Excellent– There is extremely detailed information about each garment and your statement clearly explains the relevance of each garment to the course concepts/themes with detailed and specific inclusions about the social, political, or cultural relevance.
The answer demonstrates critical thinking and imagination beyond just a blanket statement that it denotes status. 4: Very good –lots of detailed information that demonstrates critical thinking and relates to course concepts. 3: Good –answer is good but could be more detailed and relate more to course concepts or perhaps there is a good job discussing one of the garments but not both or the only point of discussion is about status in a limited way. 2: Fair –there could be more critical thinking and/or demonstrate more understanding of course concepts.
Poor –little evidence of critical thinking. 0: Doesn’t answer the question. Citations and labeling: 5 points For internet sources the exact page link needs to be cited including the date of access. (i.e. www.vogue.com is NOT a complete citation but http://www.vogue.com/13383109/best-fashion-collaborations-in-2015/ is fine.) 5: Everything is clearly labeled and the citations are complete and exact. 4: There may be a small error in the labeling or citation. 3: Citations are not complete or parts are missing. 2: Citations or labels incomplete on 50% or more. 1: Citations or labels incomplete on 75% or more. 0: Missing citations