3a. In 2008, Starbucks closed 60 stores in Australia because their coffee was not up to Australian consumers’ standards. Australian coffee drinkers have claimed that the coffee was sub-par compared to the offerings of other local cafés.
- Using a concept you have learned in the lectures, provide a possible explanation as to why this is the case. (2 marks)
- Despite the negative reactions, some Australian consumers were found to be accepting of the new flat white. Provide a possible explanation as to why this is the case. (2 marks)
3b. Despite its failure in the Australian market, Starbucks’ flat white was well received in America. According to a report in the International Business Times (2015), the drink has become “trendy in the New York coffee scene.” Using the Functional Theory of Attitudes, explain why you think this is the case. (6 marks)
3c. Imagine you have been given the task of developing an advertisement to promote the new Starbucks’ flat white in America. Using two attitude change theories, describe how the ad would encourage consumption of the new flat white. Describe who the target market for the ad are. Provide a mockup of the ad. (8 marks)
Briefly describe who your target market is
Describe the two attitude change theories you want to apply
Explain how your ad applies each attitude change theory. Make sure your argument is coherent and with supported with examples/theory
Hints see the attitude change theories
3d. For the consumer, consuming a Starbucks coffee may help them satisfy a number of different needs. Using Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs, explain how consuming a Starbucks coffee can fulfil TWO key consumer needs. (4 marks)
Define Maslow’s hierarchy of needs
Apply two of the needs using examples on how starbucks can fulfill these needs
1.defining the two needs
2. explain with examples
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