Changing Behavior Assignment Instructions
Something in his or her life that he or she are considering changing behavior or working on. It could be going on a diet or exercising, better organizing their room, getting a job, or finding new ways to cope with a difficult roommate or significant other.
The average length of each section is approximately 500 words.
Have him or her complete Worksheet 3.1
Changing Behavior: Importance Ruler 1.
- Think of a behavior or habit that would like to change or have started changing: _______________________________________________________________
- On the spectrum below, circle the number you feel you are now at that measures how important it is for you to change.
Not Important Somewhat Important Very Important
____1______2______3_______4______5_______6______7______8______9____10_3. Exchange papers with your partner and ask some of the questions below that relate to where your partner answered the question. Please follow up these questions using your best OARS motivational style.
If you mark on the left side of the line:
Why ___ and not lower?
What might happen that could make changing more important to you?
What signals will tell you to start thinking about changing? What qualities or values in yourself are most important to you?
What connection is there between those qualities and values relate to the behavior?
If you mark somewhere in the middle:
- Why did you put the mark there and not further to the left?
- What might make you put your mark a little further to the right?
- What are the good things about the way you’re currently trying to change?
- What are the not so good things?
- What would be the good results of changing?
- What would be the barriers to changing?
If your mark is on the right side of the line:
- What are possible barriers to making a change?
- What are some things that could help you overcome these barriers?
- What steps would you need to make to overcome the barriers?
- When would you start to take these steps?
- Date to start! ________
If you’ve taken a serious step in making a change:
- What made you decide on these steps?
- What has worked in taking these steps?
- What could help it work even better?
- Who could help you in taking these steps?
- Who could hinder you in taking these steps?
- If you’ve slipped or “fallen off the wagon
- What worked for a while?
- What did you learn from the experience that will help when give it another try?
Worksheet 3.2
Changing Behavior: Confidence Ruler
1. Think of a behavior or habit that would like to change or have started changing:
2. On the spectrum below, circle the number that relates to how confident you feel in your ability to change.
Not confident Somewhat confident Very confident
3. Exchange papers with your partner and ask some of the questions below that relate to
where your partner answered the question. Please follow up these questions using your
best OARS motivational style.
If you mark on the left side of the line:
Why ___ and not lower?
What might happen that could make you more confident in changing?
What signals will tell you to start thinking about changing?
What qualities or values in yourself are you most confident?
What connection is there between those qualities and values relate to the behavior?
If you mark somewhere in the middle:
Why did you put the mark there and not further to the left?
What might make you put your mark a little further to the right?
What are the good things about the way you are currently trying to change?
What are the not so good things?
What would be the good results of changing?
What would be the barriers to changing?
If your mark is on the right side of the line:
What are possible barriers to making a change?
What are some things that could help you overcome these barriers?
What steps would you need to make to overcome the barriers?
When would you start to take these steps? Date to start! ________
If you have taken a serious step in making a change:
What made you decide on these steps?
What has worked in taking these steps?
What could help it work even better?
Who could help you in taking these steps?
Who could hinder you in taking these steps?
If you’ve slipped or “fallen off the wagon
What worked for a while?
What did you learn from the experience that will help when give it another try?
Worksheet 4.1
For each statement below select the most appropriate “Stage of Change.”
1.“I don’t care what the Doctor says. My drinking is not a problem and I don’t drink any
more than most of my friends.”
Precontemplation___ Contemplation ___ Preparation ___ Action ___ Maintenance ___
2. “I need to really think about how I’m going to plan my meals now that I’m going to diet.”
Precontemplation ___ Contemplation ___ Preparation ___Action ___ Maintenance ___
3.“I really don’t know about if I really need to take the time to exercise, but I have put some
pounds on and might need to consider doing something.”
Precontemplation ___ Contemplation ___ Preparation ___ Action ___ Maintenance ___
4. “I do like to smoke to relieve stress
particularly after a rough day, but I know it’s making my asthma worse.”
Precontemplation ___ Contemplation ___ Preparation ___Action ___ Maintenance ___
5. “What do I need that medication for, it only makes me fat.”
Precontemplation ___ Contemplation ___Preparation ___ Action ___ Maintenance ___
6. “So the stupid cop picked on me and I got arrested for DUI, that doesn’t mean I got a
drinking problem.”
Precontemplation ___ Contemplation ___ Preparation ___ Action ___ Maintenance ___
7. “My dad died of a heart attack; I better think about finding a way to watch what I eat.”
Precontemplation ___ Contemplation ___ Preparation ___ Action ___ Maintenance ___
8. “I’ve stopped smoking and feel so much better. The patch makes a difference.”
Precontemplation___ Contemplation ___ Preparation ___ Action ___ Maintenance __
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