senior thesis instructions
Use 12 point Times New Roman font, double space and page numbers. Print on both sides of the page for hard copies to be submitted to your thesis advisor.
Symbols, abbreviations, and acronyms should be defined the first time they are used.
Refer to ‘Thesis Deadlines for Fall 2015’ WELL IN ADVANCE. PLAN AHEAD & give enough time to yourself and the advisor to review.
Take the help of the Writing Center for spelling and grammar check at every stage of your thesis preparation before submitting it to your thesis advisor for review.
Thesis Advisor is only responsible for Scientific Review. Students are encouraged to take suggestions/inputs of their thesis advisor as often as possible.
Components of the thesis:
- Cover page: Title of thesis, Student’s name, Month and Year, Thesis advisor
- Table of Contents
- Biography (not more than 1 page)
- Body of the thesis: (20 pages, including figures and tables at the end of the thesis body)
- Abstract: Should be divided into following sections:
- Purpose/Aim/Objective
- Methods
- Results
- Conclusion
- Background/Introduction
- Methods
- Results
- Discussion
- Conclusions
- Figures and Tables: All figures and tables should be numbered and have legends/captions describing the figure/table. Figures and tables should be used only to support your text.
- Bibliography (References): References should be preferably from journal articles. Wikipedia MUST NOT be used as a reference. All internet/web site/web page references should only be from reliable sources-such as health organizations, professional organizations, government agencies (federal/state; e.g. Center for Disease Control, Environmental Protection Agency etc.)
References that are listed in Bibliography MUST be cited in the body of the thesis using the following format consistently throughout the thesis:
- References in Bibliography should be numbered in the order in which they are cited, first through the thesis text and then through the table and figure legends/captions.
- Citations in the thesis text should be in parenthesis e.g. [1], and should start from 1.
In bibliography, references should be consecutively numbered and in the following format:
- For a journal article:
First, all authors should be listed as follows: Last name and first name initial.
Next, title of the article
Then, Journal name (italicized) in which the article is published
Volume number of the journal followed by a colon (:)
Start and end page number of the article
Year (in parenthesis) in which the article appeared in the journal.
Marcand S, Pardo B, Gratias A, Cahun S & Callebaut I. Multiple pathways inhibit NHEJ at telomeres. Genes Dev. 22: 1153–1158 (2008).
- For whole books, monographs, memos, or reports, the style for author or editor names is as above; for edited books, insert “Ed.,” or “Eds.,” before the title. Italicize the book title and use initial caps. After the title, provide (in parentheses) the publisher name, publisher location, edition number (if any), and year.
Lister M. Fundamentals of Operating Systems (Springer-Verlag, New York, ed. 3, 1984), pp. 7-11.
- For chapters in edited books, the style is as above, except that “in” appears before the title, and the names of the editors appear after the title. After the information in parentheses, provide the complete page number range (or chapter number) of the cited material.
Curtis D, in Clinical Neurology of Development, B. Walters, Ed. (Oxford Univ. Press, New York, 1983), pp. 60-73