Overall Rationale for the MP Assessments
Influenced by the key skills and attributes of the working marketer in its curriculum design,
Marketing Principles requires you, the student, to form a working project team composing
diverse skills sets and work on the Marketing Plan for a product from the first to the last
session starting with small presentations and culminating in a Report and Major
Presentation, following the Marketing Process.
Working in teams of 4 members, you will choose a product on which to conduct marketing
research and analysis for the entirety of the module, culminating in a Major Report
(Assessment 2A, worth 20% of your overall mark for the module) and a Major Presentation
(Assessment 2B, worth 20%). To help you on this journey, you are to deliver smaller inclass
team presentations (Assessment 1 below, worth 20% total)
meaning your team will
commence this process from Session 1 and hone your research, communication and
teamwork skills over the whole semester. There will also be an individual final examination
worth 40% of your overall grade.
Word Count = 2500 words
Citation Format = APA
Choosen Product: Soya Milk from Mr Bean (Singapore)
Marketing report custom essay.
Detailed Assignment Information