Where The Heart Is
Where the Heart Is ESSAY Step-by-step Step One: Pick one of the questions to answer with your essay. Write a strong, independent one-sentence answer to that question.
It is your argument! Your sentence should stand by itself. It should be understood even by someone who hasn’t seen the question. This will become your thesis sentence
of your essay. Your main idea. Your entire essay will strive to prove this answer is right. This sentence will become the last sentence of your introduction (first)
paragraph. THESIS: Step one, part two: Write your INTRODUCTION: Remember these three things: Hook that introduces overall topic (start in big, wide world) TAG that
bridges to thesis (you can preview three main ideas here if you want) Thesis (last sentence of your introduction paragraph) Step Two: Choose three main ideas from your
knowledge of the book to prove that your thesis sentence (the answer to the step one question) is correct. you need three separate examples from the novel that all
prove your thesis these will each become a paragraph so you need to have enough to write about for each example. these three paragraphs will be the main body of your
essay IDEA #1: IDEA #2: IDEA #3: Step Three: Find a quotation from the book that helps show your examples from ideas 1,2 and 3 (from step two). Choose a sentence or
two from the book that goes with each main idea. It can be a character talking or the narrator Make sure to record the page number of each quotation. You will need it
later! QUOTATION #1: QUOTATION #2: QUOTATION #3: Step Four: Write your first main body paragraph. This is going to be the second paragraph of your essay, but we are
going to write it first. We are going to follow the paragraph with a quotation pattern we have been practicing. Turn your IDEA #1 (from step 2) into a topic sentence.
A strong sentence that can lead off a paragraph. Use the format (tinyurl.com/MaysParaWithQuote) and the topic sentence to build a paragraph. Use QUOTATION #1 (from
step 3) in the paragraph. Remember to finish with a sentence explaining your quotation and a closing sentence (that restates the topic sentence). Step five: Write your
second main body paragraph. This will be the essay’s third paragraph. Turn IDEA #2 into a topic sentence, but include a transition sentence from the above paragraph:
Example: Another way that Atticus was the moral compass of the town was… Use the format (tinyurl.com/MaysParaWithQuote) and the topic sentence to build a paragraph.
Use QUOTATION #2 (from step 3) in the paragraph. Remember to finish with a sentence explaining your quotation and a closing sentence (that restates the topic
sentence). Step six: Repeat that process for your third main body paragraph. Essay paragraph #4. Turn IDEA #3 into a topic sentence, but include a transition sentence
from the above paragraph: Example: A final way that Atticus was the moral compass of the town was… Use the format (tinyurl.com/MaysParaWithQuote) and the topic
sentence to build a paragraph. Use QUOTATION #3 (from step 3) in the paragraph. Remember to finish with a sentence explaining your quotation and a closing sentence
(that restates the topic sentence). Step eight: Write your conclusion (last) paragraph. This is the shortest paragraph in your essay, usually. Take your introduction
and flip it. Start with your THESIS SENTENCE and re-state it (say it in a new and usually shorter way). Then work back to where you started in your introduction: the
big, wide world. You should finish talking about what you did in the essays first few sentences (which you just wrote in step eight). Remember, there should be nothing
new in your conclusion. Step nine: Go through this checklist to make sure your essay is typed and formatted correctly. Checklist: Have you READ IT OUT LOUD? Do it.
Have you run it through GRAMMARLY.COM? Do it. Is it in Times 12 point font? Is it double spaced? Are there NO BLANK LINES (unless your title line is blank)? Is your
title (if you have one) in 12 point font and centered? Are there five paragraphs? Do the middle 3 paragraphs have quotations? Are your quotations properly formatted
and attributed? Is your thesis sentence the last sentence of your introduction? Do you have a works cited on a separate piece of paper? Use easybib.com to replace this
works cited with Where the Heart Is. If you used any other source, ass that to your works cited (in alphabetical order by the first letter). Heading double spaced (see
below)? Date in European format (24 September 2015)? Is Where the Heart Is in italics when you refer to the book? Have you eliminated all first and second person
pronouns (I, me, we us, you)? Are all of your verbs in present tense? Yes, all of them! READ IT OUT LOUD ONE MORE TIME! Heading: First Last Name Mr. Mays English 12 11
October 2017
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