Write my Paper on The results of a survey of developed nations’ attitudes towards immigration show that over 40% of governments have adopted policies to reduce immigration levels

The results of a survey of developed nations’ attitudes towards immigration show that over 40% of governments have adopted policies to reduce immigration
levels. To what extent should immigration levels be capped or reduced? How can governments ensure imm

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Assessment Outline – Group Discussion
Autumn 2017
Task: prepare notes for and participate in a group discussion on the topic below.
Number of students: 3-5; duration of discussion: 15-25 minutes depending on group
size (to be confirmed by your tutor).
To what extent do you agree with the following statements. The results of a survey of developed nations’ attitudes towards
immigration show that over 40% of governments have adopted policies
to reduce immigration levels. To what extent should immigration levels
be capped or reduced? How can governments ensure immigration has a
positive impact on local economies and cultures?
? Use data and information from your research to support your ideas.
1) You need a clear position on the questions for discussion (see the VLE) supported by evidence from reliable sources. If you do not have this evidence, you will
receive an extremely low mark for support and content.

2) You need one simple figure to show your group which should be printed on A4 size paper. The figure be able to say what the figure shows about immigration and why it
is important.

3) You also need to submit your notes before 9am on Thursday on the VLE. If you do not do this, you will not receive a grade. Notes should not be in full sentences but
in brief bullet points with citations. A reference list is not necessary.

4) During the discussion, you must orally cite your sources. Say things like “According to the World Economic Forum in 2015, …” or “A UN report in 2016 showed
that…”. You must do this to receive credit for your sources as it must be clear to your classmates where your evidence has come from and they will not be able to
read your notes.

5) The point of the discussion is to present and listen to views based on evidence. If your viewpoint is interesting and supported by good evidence, your classmates
will respond to it. Two areas that might be interesting to explore are: a) specific proposals to control immigration, such as using a points system for immigration
(like in Australia or Japan); b) showing that myths about immigrants are not true (e.g. immigrants do not exploit the healthcare system despite newspapers saying that

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