Write my Paper on The ethics report



The ethics report should reference published materials. reference at least 3 articles, Reference 2 library sources from reviewed journals, and a maximum of 3
magazine, blogs, newsletters, or other Internet sources ( absolutely no Wikipedia)
Using Microsoft word enter foot notes on the bottom of each page. When you use the footnote icon a number will auto generate on the bottom of the page, then fill in
the source of your information in APA style.
Do not use a bibliography or reference page as a separate section.
Minimum 4 pages, 12 pt, Double -spaced, 1 inch margins. left side alignment.

There are 5 issues to choose from. Please pick one issue to address your ethics report.
1. Volkswagen, misrepresentation of product performance on emissions testing Volkswagen "admitted that 11 million of its vehicles were equipped with software that
was used to cheat on emissions tests. ". Topics should include product liability, sustainable environment, governance, stakeholders, among others.
2. Should BBQ smoke be regulated or banned from communities such as Austin Texas? http://www.iamatexan.com/2015/07/25/321austin-city-council-votes-to-ban-bbq-
restaurants/ Topics addressed should include Sustainability, environment, regulations, cultural influence on environment, stakeholders, among others.
3. FIFA Corruption at the top. International in scope, the corruption of top leadership in the soccer governing body. Topics addressed should include: Tone at the Top,
stewardship, stakeholder, trusteeship, governance among others.
4.Wells Fargo Bank. The bank recently admitted to opening accounts with out the customer approval or knowledge. Topics should include, Institutional messaging of
ethical behavior, Social learning and behavior, governance, tone at the top, stakeholders, among others.
5. Mylan has been called into questioning about product pricing. Why are ethics more important in the area of healthcare? Should it be regulated or will corporations
model appropriate ethical behavior? Should companies price products at what the market will bear? Topics should include stakeholder, governance, product pricing, legal
and regulatory, among others.


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