Write my Paper on research critique

research critique

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1.Pages should be numbered beginning with the title page in the upper right hand corner of each page.

2.Title page should include:
a.Running head
b.Title in center of page
Student name and affiliation (name, course, University name)
Guidelines for Critiquing a Quantitative Research Study

1. Significance: How is the research problem significant for nursing practice?

2. Frame of Reference: What frame of reference guides the study from definition of the problem through recommendations for future research?

3. Research purpose: Is the research purpose worded clearly and unambiguously and does it specify a minimum of one variable and the population to be sampled?

4. Literature review: does the literature review flow from a general introduction of the topic to the specific research problem? What are the relevant concepts
reviewed? Does the literature review indicate the current status of knowledge?

5. Research Questions or Hypotheses: Do the research questions or hypotheses flow from the research purpose, literature review, and conceptual or theoretical frame of
reference? Do the research hypotheses clearly and objectively indicate a relationship between two or more variables and specify a population?

6. Definition of Terms: Are conceptual and operational definitions consistent with the title, research purpose, and hypothesis? Are conceptual definitions reflective
of the conceptual or theoretical frame of reference used for the study? Do operational definitions reflect the conceptual definitions?

7. Limitations: Are limitations identified? (This section often appears in the Discussion of Findings at the end of the study).

8. Sample and Setting: Are sample size, eligibility criteria, and sampling procedures appropriate for the study? Does the setting maximize internal and external

9. Research Design: Is the research design consistent with the conceptual or theoretical frame of reference, literature review, research purpose, and hypotheses? Were
control measures consistent with the type of research design?

10. Methods and Procedures: Were validity and reliability of data collection methods addressed and what specific psychometric properties were evident?

11. Data Analysis: Are the statistical tests used for data analysis appropriate for the research purpose, hypotheses, and method of data collection? Are the
statistical tests appropriate for the characteristics of the sample (size and distribution) and level of measurement?

12. Findings: Can the findings be linked to the problem statement, hypotheses, and conceptual or theoretical frame of reference?

13. Interpretation of Findings: Were conclusions, limitations, implications, and recommendations for future research discussed in relation to the research purpose,
hypotheses, frame of reference, findings, and limitations of the study? Does the study have relevance for clinical practice?

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