project management
Order Description
a project integrated management unit was called project capstone management, this assignment is to do a project management plan of my course in australia as an
international student, so this will include transportation to school and part time work amount it cost to apply visa medical insurance you know all the living expenses
i will accrue in 1.5yrs in australia to finish my course,it will require you mentioning my responsiblity matrix which will include i will act as the project manager
and my lecturers will have to be put in there, i will give you my oasis password and student ID to access and listen to lectures and for information about course to
see its struture and all and lecturer names which some you can find on the cutrin offical website under masters of project management. i will attach to assignments
examples of how it should be one is an assinment i failed but is helpful because it has lecturer comments and you will know what to do.
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