Write my Paper on Layered Thematic Analysis Activity



1. Read the appropriate chapters in the text.

2. Visit the appropriate Layered Thematic Analysis Activity Assignment dropbox for the current unit and choose and click on one of the 13 countries and or regions of your choice and then click on a tab that correlates with the topic and readings for that individual week.

For example: For the first Layered Thematic Analysis Activity Assignment due by the end of Unit 2, I would read Chapters 1-3 paying attention to the topics of population and migration. I would then choose one of the 13 regions. Let’s say I choose North America. I would then click on the population tab and look all the maps showing how each human racial group migrated and answer the questions below in the form of a journal entry using these maps.

3. View the map(s) and answer the following questions:

What observations can you make related to human geography from looking at the/these map(s)?
How would you use a map like this in your future career or job?
What can this/these map(s) tell you about the overall human geography of this region/area?
Is there anything missing from the map that you think would help you better understand the topic? What would you change on the map if you could?
How do you think this/these map(s) has changed over time and what future predictions can you make if you saw this same map 20-50-100 years in the future?
4. Compose a one page journal type entry reflecting on the questions provided in a concise well organized way.


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