Write my Paper on Health Care 1

Health Care 1

Order Description

Part 1
A multimedia, especially a primarily visual, presentation should explain to the viewer what is being presented, how it is organized, and why they might find the
information valuable. Keep in mind the audience. It should be others (not the instructor). One must assume the viewer has not seen the paper, data, research, or work—
the presentation is just a short-hand way of explaining a message, thesis, or findings. The instructor has a disadvantage (or an advantage) because he has read the
paper upon which the presentation is based. This means he can mentally fill in points not explained but tries not to do so to keep in mind how others would see it.
Don’t assume that others will know what is going on automatically, so remember that in the future. In essence, the presentation must be the complete story and explain
the point without much in the way of oral support. If briefing or presenting orally, the words must expand upon the central message without reading the information to
the audience. Do not try to replicate the entire paper in the multimedia presentation—it will be too much for the viewer to understand or assimilate—literally, it will
be too much information.
Prepare a short multimedia presentation that summarizes the historical technological transformation and its impact on two groups that are reflected in the Health Care
term paper you wrote. (This means pre-1700).
The goal of this assignment is two-fold. First, we live in a multimedia world these days and you may be called upon to give a presentation to an audience at some point
in your employment. Practice here may provide preparation for such efforts in the future. Second, you will (hopefully) have fun with this and flex creative muscles –
something we often do not get the chance to do in online classes.
The type of presentation is entirely yours to decide. PowerPoint is the default option, but those of you who have skills with other types of multimedia – video
editing, HTML, Flash, and so forth – can use those options if you prefer. While there does need to be a visual component, you can also pull in music or other audio.
You do not have to be as formal with this effort as you will be in a business presentation – a bit of humor is always a plus.
The Multimedia Presentation requires the following:
• A title slide (if using that means)
• An overview slide (again, if using that means)
• Organized into an introduction with a thesis (or the thesis), a body, and a summary
• A combination of graphics, images, and words—think visually (and include audio as appropriate)
• Document all sources used giving credit where it is due for all graphics, music, or video used
• “Fair use”—copyright issues in an academic—is in play, and give credit, avoid “over sampling” any single source
• Do not rely on others videos to explain points—it is still your thesis, research, and interpretation
• Citations and bibliographic references in the University of Chicago/Turabian style.

Part 2
This week we are looking at biology and other advances in science and society in the late 19th century. The focus will be on both science and pseudo-science. After
reading this week’s readings, please answer one of the following questions as completely as possible, citing names, events, ideas, technology, and other historical
issues. Support all answers with citations and references.
After examining the assigned readings and videos, please answer the following questions as completely as possible, citing names, events, ideas, technology, and other
historical issues. The instructor requires the primary use of the assigned sources. Outside sources can be used but they should supplement, not replace, the assigned
texts. Do not use encyclopedias, Wikipedia, ask.com, about.com, Biography.com, History.com, or other similar sites. If using supplemental outside sources, use academic
or scholarly sources wherever possible. Support all answers with citations and references.
Citations and bibliographic references should be in the University of Chicago/Turabian style. For works in history, foot-notes or end-notes are required. (Avoid social
science parenthetical citations: e.g., Burke, 2009). When in doubt, cite your sources of information. Work to write clear and flowing essays with smooth transitions
from point to point. Here is a useful site for citations: “Chicago-Style Citation Quick Guide,” https://www.chicagomanualofstyle.org/tools_citationguide.html. The
instructor uses this style in his replies to students in the weekly discussions. Use the Notes and Bibliography format.
The following information may be helpful if one uses e-books. E-books often do not have page numbers. When copying from a Kindle, it generates locations as a
substitute for the lack of page numbers. For example, historian James Burke, whose textbook we formerly used in this class, noted in that “[t]oday we live according to
the latest version of how the universe functions.”(1) The Kindle provides the following citation:
Burke, James (2009-11-11). Day the Universe Changed (Kindle Locations 37-38). Little, Brown and Company. Kindle Edition.
To translate this into the University of Chicago Style, your citation should be:
1. James Burke, The Day the Universe Changed (New York: Little, Brown and Company, 2009), Kindle locations, 37-38.
The bibliographic note should be:
Burke, James. The Day the Universe Changed. New York: Little, Brown and Company, 2009. Kindle edition.
Please answer or discuss at least the following questions. In addition, reply to your colleagues’ posts addressing different questions than the one you answered.
Does the human effort to codify plants and animals and control nature lead to eugenics? Can we describe these views as both optimistic and pessimistic about the
future? Explain, citing examples.
Historians and scientists alike are admonished not to set out in their research to prove something. Rather they should set out to answer questions. How do the
Holocaust and compulsory sterilization in the U.S. serve as a warning to researchers to follow this advice?
1. What is eugenics and who contributed the development of this idea? Is this related to Social Darwinism? How? Explain the impact of eugenics (and Social Darwinism,
if applicable) in America and elsewhere in the 19th and 20th centuries. Note specific developments and movements. Are parts of the eugenics movement manifestations of
the darker impulses of progress in this time frame? Discuss, noting examples. (1page)

2 What new ideas arise to grapple with the impact of industrialization on European societies? What thinkers claimed the mantle of science in explaining the laws of
history and the development of human history? (Hint: Karl Marx). Do the readings explain the reaction to industrialization and seeming progress of the period? Explain.
Can we compare the impact of Darwin and new ideas in biology with Marx and new ideas about economics and production? Do they lead to similar results at times in the
societies where they are applied? Are both concerned with human progress? Explain. (Hint: compare Nazi Germany with Soviet Russia).
(1/2 page)

3. Historians created the term “Social Darwinism” to describe the application of Darwinian ideas to human societies. Describe Social Darwinism. Does it mean the same
thing for all of its advocates? What thinkers play roles in its development? Who is Herbert Spencer and how do his ideas influence views of society, economics,
politics, and other areas in the 19th and 20th centuries? (1/2 page)

SECTION 2 (total 3pages)
Once you have reviewed the assignment instructions you will need to:
• Identify the three EHR systems you will be using for the review portion of the assignment
• Provide at least one paragraph for each system you selected. You might explore the popularity of the system, some of the features available, and why you selected
this system for review.
• Provide a brief time line and/or a one paragraph plan that you will use to ensure that you submit the project on time.
• Conclude with any questions you have for your instructor

<Learning Activity 1>
There is much discussion of HIT in the news today as a result of its prominence in health care reform efforts. The American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA) of
2009 funded state training programs and other initiatives to “advance the adoption and meaningful use of health information technology,” granting strong incentives to
providers to implement electronic health records (EHRs) (White House, 2010).
Define meaningful use as it pertains to HIT

<Learning Activity 2>
The widespread application of HIT within the health care system gives rise to (HHS, 2013)
• improved quality of health care
• reduced medical errors
• reduced costs
• increased administrative efficiency
This is not guaranteed and many organizations experience difficulty when adopting EHR technology. Can you research examples of common issues experienced with any of
the above four benefits that have occurred during EHR adoption?

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