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answer these five questions with at least 100 words


Question 1.)Write a well-developed paragraph about your research topic”Oregon right to die act” in which you intentionally commit several logical fallacies and/or
hasty generalizations. What fallacies did you find in your research? When you reply to classmates this week, attempt to identify the logical fallacies and/or hasty
generalizations in his or her main post and then explain what makes them fallacious. Do not respond to a post which already has a response until everyone has had at
least one response to their initial posting.
Question2.)The hangover–the awful feeling of headache pain, unpleasant sensations in the mouth, and nausea that one has the morning after drinking too much–is a mild
form of withdrawal. Hangovers are caused by several factors. After reading the “highlight” section of chapter 7 describe one of these factors or one of alcohol’s
short-term or long-term effects. In order to receive full credit on these assignments throughout the course you will need to answer the question specifically with an
original response. I have no problem with you saying that you agree or disagree with another student’s response on the board but you will need to add something
original and relevant to the course to support your response. Originality of your response will be checked by www.turnitin.com.
You will also need to cite your source. All scientific writing requires experimental proof. In other words, you need to provide the evidence that someone has proven
what you are saying and there is data to back up your claim. Without a reference, not only does your post not have as much power, you are stealing someone’s
intellectual life work, and you will not receive credit for that assignment.


Answer only ONE of the two following questions for this week’s discussion. Do not directly quote from the sources you u. Read the information, interpret it, and then
explain it in your own words like you would to your own family. However, you MUST cite the sources you use. Without references, myself and the rest of the class cannot
check your information and interpret it for ourselves. Also, you will not get credit for the discussion question without reference citations!!!!!!!!!!!
This week you learned about the biochemistry of nutrition. As I am a molecular biologist, I think proteins are the coolest thing ever. Proteins are what get the work
done in the body. Any chemical reaction, disease, body maintenance or regulation, is carried out by a protein. Below I have posted two links to a list of proteins
found in the human body. The first is a list published by “Nature” magazine, the Gold Standard of articles within the scientific community. They have asked the world
experts on these proteins to write reviews so that anyone who wants to learn about them can, like you. This site is very technical but very informative. The second
site is to Wikipedia, much easier to understand, but with much less accurate information.
3.)I want you to pick a protein that is of interest to you and tell us about it. What does it do in the body, is there anything special about it, how is it regulated,
and are there any side-effects; adverse or beneficiary, that a mutation or loss of that protein may result in. There are 20,000-25,000 proteins encoded in the Human
Genome, and “Nature” has published articles over 700 of these proteins so there is enough information out there that no two students should write about the same
protein. This will ensure diversity for me, and hopefully teach me something about a protein I have not studied, as well as teach all of you something in reading the
other students’ posts.

Nature Website
Question4): Discuss the significance of the majority of people of African descent being descendants of African slaves. Is there a relationship between this history and
current-day realities for people of African descent? Give an example to support your point.

Question5)In terms of the ability to implement culturally relevant interventions, what do social workers need to be aware of before working with Arab American clients?
How ready are you for work with Muslim Arab Americans who espouse traditional values (e.g., the five pillars, women wearing of the hijab, and observing Ramadan). How
would you ascertain your client’s values? What do you need to work through or learn before you can be culturally competent?

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