Write my Paper on Cybersecurity

Chapter 1:
Q#1- Take a few moments to think critically about the way in which you share information with the world through on-line environments. Do you cautiously share personal information? How much detail do you place about yourself into Facebook and other social networking sites? Do you use the same credit card for all online purchases? How often do you pirate music and media? Keeping this in mind, detail the various ways in which you could become a victim of as many forms of cybercrime as is possible.
Q#2-How much overlap do you see between real-world crimes and cybercrimes? Should we have distinct terms to recognize crime or deviance in on-line environments, or should all offenses just be classified as crimes, regardless of where and how they occur?
Chapter 2:
Q#1- Given the range of actors evident in the hacker subculture, is it possible that ethical and unethical hackers may share similar motives? If so, what might those motives be, and is it possible to identify an individual’s ethical stance based solely on their motives?
Chapter 3:
Q#1- Why do you think nations have not criminalized the creation of malicious software generally? Should the legal code be amended to reflect this activity? Why?
Q#2- Since malware writers tend to target popular software and resources, what do you think will be the likely targets for infection over the next five years? Please explain why you think a certain target may be selected over another.
Chapter 4:
Q#1- What are your thoughts on digital piracy? Do you think there is a victim involved in intellectual property theft?
Q#2- Considering that digital pirates are always one step ahead of the movie and music industries, how should private companies attempt to protect their intellectual property?
Chapter 5:
Q#1- As we continue to adopt new technologies to communicate, how will scammers utilize these spaces? For instance, how might a scammer use FaceTime or Skype to lure in prospective victims?
Q#2- What is a nation supposed to do if citizens of other nations routinely victimize citizens on-line and the other nation refuses to do anything about it?
Chapter 6:
Q#1- How could the development of the Internet and CMCs help reduce the risk of harm for individuals interested in the sex trade? In what ways does the ability to communicate about sex workers and review their services make it a less dangerous activity?
Q#2- Why do you think we sanction individuals who possess or access child porn with more severity than we do hackers or data thieves? Why would there be such differential use of sanctions?
Chapter 7:
Q#1- Should schools be able to punish students for on-line activities that take place outside of the campus and after or before school hours if it directly affects the behavior of other students? Why?
Q#2- Should we define youth who make harassing or disparaging comments about their teachers in on-line spaces as engaging in cyberbullying, or is it harassment? Simply put, why should we define an act differently on the basis of the ages of the victim and offender?
Chapter 8:
Q#1- How should we define or view the activities of Anonymous? They hack government targets, civilians, and industry. As such, should their actions be viewed as cybercrime, hacktivism, or cyberterror? Why?
The threat of nuclear war and the proliferation of WMD is deterred in part by the idea of mutually assured destruction, not only for the two nations involved in a conflict, but for the larger world. Given that nearly every nation has economic and critical infrastructure dependent on technology, if a nation-state were to engage in cyberwar against a rival, it would demand a physical or cyber response. With that in mind, how can nation-states deter the use of cyberattacks against one another? How do we respond to attacks committed by hackers or nation-states that are not influenced by traditional deterrence methods?
Chapter 9:
Q#1- What risky activities do you partake in when you are on-line? How do those actions relate to routine activity theory?
Q#2- Do we need cybercrime-specific theories or are traditional criminological theories adequate
Chapter 10:
Q#1- Maintaining evidence integrity is one of the most important steps in the digital forensic investigation. Provide some examples of how the integrity of evidence can be discredited during a digital forensic investigation. What are some ways that law enforcement can ensure that evidence integrity is maintained during a digital forensic investigation?
Q#2- What are some of the problems law enforcement investigators face when collecting digital evidence from a crime scene?
Chapter 11:
Q#1- It is extremely important that digital forensic examiners are able to verify the authenticity of the digital evidence. Explain whether the courts should be concerned with the use of hash algorithms for verifying the authenticity of digital evidence.
Q#2- Provide two examples of how confirmation bias could influence the integrity of a case. What are some ways we can limit the influence of forensic confirmation bias?
Chapter 12:
Q#1- There are a number of exceptions to the warrant requirement for a search and seizure. Identify five different exceptions to this rule and create a different scenario for each that would involve the search and seizure of electronic evidence.
Q#2- Identify the four criteria for determining whether digital forensic expert testimony is admissible in court according to the Daubert standard. Assess each of these criteria and explain whether or not digital forensic evidence should be admissible in court.
Chapter 13:
Q#1- How could innovations, like Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) or drones, be used by cybercriminals to effectively collect information or offend? How could law enforcement agencies around the world use these devices to disrupt cybercriminals generally?
Q#2- Based on everything you have read throughout this book, what do you think the future of cybercrime offending and offenders will look like?

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