Order Description


Purpose Statement
The purpose of this study is to illustrate how Sports can be utilized as a vehicle to enhance or promote Christianity in schools. This study will be completed by researching the potential impact of the Interplay of Sports and Christianity on the lives of individuals in educational settings.
Research Question
Would it be prudent to utilize the Interplay of Sports and the Christian Faith pertaining to the enhancement and promotion of the Kingdom of the Lord in educational settings?


Choose 1 quantitative article from your Topical Reference List and compose a 2-page review of it. Your review must include 2 sections: (1) a summary of the article, and (2) a critical analysis of the article.
Your summary must include:
• The purpose of the study;
• A description of participants/sample;
• The research design (experimental, quasi-experimental, correlational, regression, etc.);
• The method of data collection (survey, test, questionnaire, etc.);
• A statistical analysis (t-test, analysis of variance (ANOVA) analysis of covariance (ANCOVA), chi square, Pearson product moment correlation, Spearman rho, etc.); and
• The results.
Your analysis must include:
• Opportunities for further research not already stated in the article,
• Threats to validity or rival hypotheses not already discussed,
• Other original insight or criticism, and
• Implications of the findings.
See your textbook if you need more help evaluating your article.
NOTE: If the article you selected does not identify how the data was statistically analyzed (e.g., t-test, ANOVA, ANCOVA etc.), it is likely that this article is either not a quantitative study or not an actual research report, but a summary of a study, in which case you must select another article.



Austin, Mike W. (2010). Journal of Spiritual Formation & Soul Care Copyright by
Institute of Spiritual Formation 2010, Vol. 3, No. 1, 66–78

Boxill, J. (2003b). The Ethics of Competition. Sports Ethics – An Anthology
(pp. 107-115). Massachusetts: Blackwell Publishing

Creswell, John W. Qualitative, Quantitative, and Mixed Methods Approaches (Crewell,
Research Design: Qualitative, Quantitative, and Mixed Methods Approaches) 4th edition

Erdozain, Dominic. (2012, February). Does Sport Build Character? A Progress Report on
a Victorian Idea Studies in Christian Ethics February 2012 25: 35-48

Feezell, Randolph (2013). Journal of the Philosophy of Sport, 2013 Vol. 40, No. 1, 135–162,

Grant, A & Pollack, T. 2011. Setting the Hook. Academy of Management Journal, Vol. 54, No.
5, 873–879

Hoffman, Shirl, James. 2011. Touchdown for Jesus: The Relation Between Sports and Evangelism

Jeroh, E.J. (2012). The multi – dimensional relationship between religion and sport. Journal of
Physical Education and Sport Management, 3(1), 1-7


Kretschmann, R & Benz, C. 2012. Morality of Christian Athletes in Competitive Sports – A Review

Nite, C. (2014). Organizational Factors that Contribute to the Spiritual Development of College
Athletes: A Case Study of a Religious University. p 1-18


Schroeder, Peter J. (2006, February). “To Honor and Glorify God”: The Role of Religion in One Intercollegiate Athletics Culture Sport, Education and Society, v11 n1 p39-54

Sinden, Jane Lee. The Elite Sport and Christianity Debate: Shifting Focus from Normative Values to the Conscious Disregard for Health

Wolverton, Brad. (2013, November). With God on Our Side. Chronicle of Higher Education, 00095982, Vol. 60, Issue 13


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