Write my Essay on Pediatric med

Pediatric med

Order Description


Write a 1-page paper with 3 references addressing the following:

• an explanation of circumstances under which children should be prescribed drugs for off-label use.
• Then, describe strategies to make the off-label use and dosage of drugs safer for children from infancy to adolescence.
• Include descriptions and names of off-label drugs that require extra care and attention when used in pediatrics.
Class Resources:

• Arcangelo, V. P., Peterson, A. M., Wilbur, V., & Reinhold, J. A. (Eds.). (2017). Pharmacotherapeutics for advanced practice: A practical approach (4th ed.).
Ambler, PA: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. (chapter 4)
• Drugs.com. (2012). Retrieved From: https://www.drugs.com
• Bazzano, A. T, Mangione-Smith, R., Schonlau, M., Suttorp, M. J., & Brook, R. H. (2009). Off-label prescribing to children in the United States outpatient setting.
Academic Pediatrics, 9(2), 81–88.
• Mayhew, M. (2009). Off-label prescribing. The Journal for Nurse Practitioners, 5(2), 122–123.


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