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A: Using the Marriott Hotel West India Quay conduct a SWOT analysis (maximum 2 page) of the hotel
B: Select one of the emerging markets of the world as taken from the WTM 2016 Industry report and UNWTO Tourism Highlights 2016, which you feel is right for your hotel company to seek an entry into that market and ultimately to seek medium and long term market growth. Conduct a (maximum 2 page) PEST analysis of the emerging market you have selected. All the PEST factors you have chosen, must have a direct or indirect relevance to the hospitality industry both on a national and international level and the hotel company chosen in A above.
C: Using Porters Generic Strategies: Ansoffs matrix and Nykiel’s fourteen hotel strategic growth options, Examine the strategic growth options that Marriott hotel West India Quay would be best to pursue within your selected emerging market, and justify how those strategies/strategy are going to help the hotel maintain market growth and long term market share.


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