Write my Essay on gender,



specifically as it relates to one or more episodes of Buffy the Vampire Slayer. You will choose the episode(s) you will use to determine the angle and content of your

Your goal is to compose a well-reasoned and thoroughly analyzed argument on some issue related to gender, using your chosen episode(s) for support. Represent and
support your points thoroughly, and make clear connections between your thoughts, your analysis, and the show.


IMPORTANT: You are making an argument about gender using the series, not the other way around, so do not evaluate the series itself.


analyzing some area of gender that you find interesting. This can be something directly from the episode(s) or a larger idea from outside the series that has some
basis in the episode(s). Keep in mind that you must support the rationale for your analysis and give reasons why. The essay should consist primarily of the application
of your analysis criteria to the episode(s), so use references to other authors and texts sparingly. You may perform light research outside the series to support your
argument, but you should focus mainly on analyzing the evidence of the series that relates to your topic. Also, make sure to maintain an academic tone.

This is not meant to be a limiting topic where you are simply arguing about how sexism is wrong. This has been done to death and is, frankly, not much of an argument
in our circles. However, there are many ways to approach this topic. You are able to discuss female sexuality, toxic masculinity, marginalization of gender in specific
and atypical ways, or gender as a performance. These are just a few ideas that are a bit more “outside the box.” Please feel free to create your own topics.

Your audience for this essay is one that is aware of the series and familiar with its content. Consider the audience to be opposed to your argument but open-minded.
They are not combative, but they won’t automatically agree with you. The audience is not me, so do not address me directly, use the second-person, or write what you
think I want to hear.

Your essay should be at least 3 double-spaced pages in length (essays under 3 full pages will suffer significant grade reduction), using Times New Roman 12 point
normal font. Margins cannot exceed 1 inch on all sides. Submit only in .doc or .docx file formats.

attachment with episode list to Buffy the vampire slayer and links to those episodes to watch them to make the argument around the topic NOT the episodes . cite
episode MLA style.
(“title of episode” “time”) cite only no need for work cited page

50% content ( focus and analysis around the topic of the essay not the series, use the series(episode list) to support argument).
25% organization(cohesion of paragraph and from paragraph to paragraph is it linked smoothly and helps build the argument).
10% grammar
5% structure
5% style
5% MLA citation


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