Write my Essay on Exegete a passage or text in Galatians that focuses on righteousness for the believer.


Exegete a passage or text in Galatians that focuses on righteousness for the believer.
The passages: Galatians 2:15-17.



1. Select what you consider the key words, list them, and find all New Testament occurrences by using a concordance. List all occurrences, commenting briefly on any passages which are especially close in meaning to this passage.
2. Parse all verbs and briefly explain how this information impacts the translation of the verse, explain and show the verb in Galatians 2:15-17.
3. Select what you consider the key expressions (phrases of 3 or more words), list them, and find all other New Testament occurrences. key expression from Galatians 2:15-17.
4. Use the lexicon to define/explain all key words and key expressions which you have selected in steps 1 and 2 above.
5. Provide your own translation, using only the information gained by taking the above steps.
6. Reconstruct what this verse would have meant to its first readers in Ephesus, taking into consideration what you have personally read about life in
that city at the time this letter was written.
7. Summarise, in less than 100 words, the relevance of this passage for today’s Christians. Be specific; avoid generalisations.


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