Write my Essay on Exegesis of John 2:1-11 The Source of the Water Turned to Wine

Order Description

Write a 100 pages with Greek Exegesis evaluating the Greek text in John 2:1-11 using Jesus’s First Sign turning water into wine.

1. Verse 8 states: “Draw some out” (Greek: “antlasate nun” ). The premise is one draws water out of a well. Therefore, the source of water turned wine brought to the head steward is the well, not
the waterpots. Contrast the commentaries which insist that the water is from the pots.
2. Compare other New Testament and Greek sources which the same words are used to “draw water” from a well (not “dip”) out of pots).
3. Examine the holy or spiritual significance of the number 7 (six waterpots plus the well), in addition to John’s 7 signs, 7 day creation week, etc.
4. Reiterate the amazement of the well as the source due to the serving size limited by 6 waterpots which would run out sooner compared to the well providing significantly more servings for a crowd
of 200 people for the length of the celebration feast (1-2 weeks).
5. Why would the wedding serve water/wine from dirty pots used for ceremonial hand washing and cleaning? The pots would still be available for them to utilize for hand washing for the remainder of
the feast.

select a research topic that is related to your studies at Trinity or your profession. After reviewing the topic narrow it.

3. Do considerable scholarly background reading on your selected topic. Look for a problem or an unanswered question in the area of the selected topic. When you find a problem think how you can
turn it into a research question.

4. All research is predicated on a fundamental question: What do I want to find out? Develop and write a well focused and clearly stated research question that you want to answer in your research.
This must be an answerable question and you must have a method to research and answer the question. The research question is sometimes referred to as the problem you intend to solve.

5. Design a method for answering the research question or solving the problem. This is the method you will use to answer the question. This is often described as qualitative or quantitative
research. Research today often combines both methods. This is sometimes referred to as Bibliographic Research (information gathered from published material, not human subjects) and Empirical
Research (data gathered from human subjects either by quantitative or qualitative methods).

6. Write a proposal, a tentative working outline, and a tentative bibliography. Then send them for approval.

If you use human subjects in your research you are also required to submit the Research Ethic Checklist and any survey questions, questionnaires, formal or informal interviews, etc.
that you will be using in the research. Send these with the proposal. Do not collect any data from people until your proposal is approved

The proposal basically covers the process you will go through from the beginning of choosing the topic to doing the research and writing the conclusion. The proposal should be well planned. The
proposal may need to be resubmitted several times. This will be for your benefit, because if you start well you will probably end well. The proposal becomes the first chapter.

7. After approves your proposal, go on to complete and submit Chapters 1 and 2. For empirical research, Chapter 2 will involve a literature review.

8. After receiving approval of Chapter 1 and 2, do your research and write the remainder of the research project.
9. When your last chapter is complete, send a rough draft of the research project. Proof read thoroughly before submitting.
10. After receiving approval of the rough draft make any corrections and submit your final draft for approval.

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