Write my Essay on Drama

1) Use the criteria for an ACTO provided below to describe Luis Valdez’s Los Vendidos (50 points) a. Inspire the audience to social action b. Illuminate specific
points about social problems c. Satirize the opposition d. Show or hint at a solution e. Express what people are thinking 2) Use the outline provided below to perform
a detailed analysis of Luis Valdez’s Los Vendidos. (25 points) Play Analysis DRAM 1310 Fall 2016 First Impressions Discuss briefly your five strongest impressions upon
reading the play the first time. Include impressions of character, theme, language, visual aspect, etc. Please do not offer whether or not you liked it or thought it a
good play, but enumerate impressions which will serve in developing a production concept. Given Circumstances Analysis Date Year Season Time of day Include climate and
weather Economic environment Factors of wealth or poverty What is valued? What is considered frivolous? Political environment Laws Who is protected? Who is
marginalized? Government Social environment Mores Traditions Social institutions Religious environment— Formal and informal religious institutions Formal and informal
religious beliefs Plot Analysis Discuss the background events which have led to the play′s present action. Identify the central conflict of the play. Identify the
dramatic action. Identify the principal transforming journey/s Opening Equilibrium/Stasis Point of Attack Inciting Incident—this is when the major dramatic actions
starts (the question is asked) Rising Action/Complications Moment of Climax—this is when the major dramatic action ends (the question is answered) Denouement New
Stasis Character Analysis Literal Aspects What is the character trying to achieve? What strategies does the character utilize? What are the characters vulnerabilities?
What is at stake for the character? Functional Aspects Is a character the: Protagonist Title of play Complexity of character Working of the will Most meaningful
interaction/s with other characters Involved in climax and resolution Involved in the inciting incident Antagonist Confidant Foil Raisonneur—Spokesman for the
playwright Utilitarian Comic relief Connotative (Symbolic) Aspects Does the character represent a symbolic meaning? Thought Analysis What is the spine of the play?
What is the central conflict? What themes are prevalent in the play? What is the moral of the story? What statement does the playwright want to make? What do you as a
director want to leave the audience pondering? What are the most important ideas at work in the play? Are there any universal themes at work in the play? How does the
play exemplify your ideas of what theatre should do to/for an audience? Language Analysis Emotional quality of rhythm Prose Verse Visual Analysis Conceptually Line
(shape and silhouette) Mass Composition Texture Color Practically Ground plan Elevation Renderings Models Working plans Schedule Budget Music/Sound Analysis Specify
the factors of music and/or sound and how they contribute to the action or to your realization of the production.

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