Write my Essay on Discuss course content related to Learner Development and Individual Learning DifferencesDiscuss course content related to Learner Development and Individual Learning Differences

Discuss course content related to Learner Development and Individual Learning DifferencesDiscuss course content related to Learner Development and Individual Learning Differences

provide APA style in-text citation(s) and reference(s).Classroom activities and your responsibilities: Describe classroom teaching, learning, and/or activities that are related to the reflection topic and include a
description of your responsibilities and participation during the reflection week. (You can put NA – does not apply – for Reflection 1 if you have not yet started in
your practicum.Your thoughts on your observations and experiences:  Reflections connect co-requisite course knowledge to your practicum experience, they include your thoughts on your
observations, they demonstrate critical thinking, and they demonstrate that you are recognizing, analyzing implementation of, and/or applying content covered in your
co-requisite course(s). [Note: Even if you have not yet been in your practicum placement this semester, should still reflect on the topic. You can provide your
thoughts on any past experiences related to learner development and individual learning differences.Ues one of these resources to write this reflection Minskoff, E. , and D. Allsopp. (2003). Academic success strategies for adolescents with learning disabilities &ADHD. Baltimore, MD: Paul.H. Brookes Publishing Co.Buggey, T. (2009) Seeing is believing: Video self-modeling for people with autism and other developmental disabilities. Bethesda, MD: Woodbine House. Orelove, F. P., Sobsey, D., &Silberman, R. K. (2004). Educating children with multiple disabilities (5th ed.). Baltimore, MD.: Paul H. Brookes.Pretti-Frontzcak, K., &Bricker,D. (2004). An activity based approach to early intervention (3rd ed.). Baltimore: Paul H. Brookes.• reflection topic is clearly identified in a reflection heading•reflection includes the dates and times completed in the field in the past week and the total number of hours completed to date. If no hours were completed, the
candidate must explain why within the reflection. After the practicum placement has been confirmed, a point may be deducted for non-attendance.• Reflections are linked to co-requisite course materials (e.g., course textbook or other evidence-based professional resources); provide APA style in-text
citation(s) and reference(s)• Reflections include a description of classroom teaching, learning, and activities that are related to the reflection topic and include a description of your
responsibilities and participation during the reflection week• Reflections connect co-requisite course knowledge to your practicum experience, they include your thoughts on your observations, they demonstrate critical
thinking, and they demonstrate that you are recognizing, analyzing implementation of, and/or applying content covered in your co-requisite course(s)• Reflections demonstrate appropriate professional and ethical practice and they follow formal writing conventionsReflection Topic and Number of Practicum Hours Completed The reflection topic is clearly identified in a reflection headingANDThe reflection includes the dates and times completed in the field in the past week and the total number of hours completed to date. If no hours were completed in the
past week, the reflection includes an excusable explanation why no hours were completed.  The written reflection addresses the reflection topic, but there is no heading that clearly identifies the reflection topic.ANDThe reflection includes the dates and times completed in the field in the past week and the total number of hours completed to date. If no hours were completed in the
past week, the reflection includes an excusable explanation why no hours were completed. A reflection is posted, but the relationship to the assigned topic is
not clearORNo practicum hours were completed in the past week and the absence was unexcused.Co-requisite Course Content and Resources Reflections refer to co-requisite course content and materials (e.g., course textbook or other evidence-based
professional resources)ANDinclude APA style in-text citation(s) and reference(s) Reflections refer to co-requisite course content and materials (e.g., course textbook or other evidence-based
professional resources) but APA style in-text citation(s) and reference(s) are not provided or the citations and references are not in APA style Reflections do
not clearly refer to co-requisite course content and materials (e.g., course textbook or other evidence-based professional resources) or the description of the
evicence-based practice is unclearDescription of Classroom Teaching, Learning, and Classroom Activities The reflection includes a description of observations of classroom teaching, learning, and
activities that are related to the reflection topicANDIncludes a detailed description of your responsibilities and participation in the practicum classroom during the reflection week Descriptions of observations of
classroom teaching, learning, and activities is related to the reflection topic but lacks depth or detailOR Does not include a description of your responsibilities and participation in the practicum classroom during the reflection week or the description lacks depth or
detail Does not describe classroom teaching, learning, and activities related to the reflection topicANDDoes not include a description of your responsibilities and participation in the practicum classroom during the reflection weekDemonstration of Reflective and Critical Thinking Reflections:• have sufficient depth• are related to the reflection topic.• demonstrate that you are connecting co-requisite course knowledge to your practicum experience• include your thoughts on your observations• demonstrate critical thinking, questioning, and self-awareness• demonstrate that you are recognizing, analyzing the implementation of, and/or applying content covered in your co-requisite course(s) Reflections include
your thoughts about the reflection topic, but lack depth or detailORReflections do not demonstrate that you are recognizing, analyzing the implementation of, and/or applying content covered in your co-requisite course(s)  Reflection content provides a summary or description of classroom activities, but does not include your personal thoughts (reflections) about your observationsORReflections are not related to the reflection topic Professional & Ethical Practice and Writing Conventions Controversial issues and questionable practices are described and reflected upon in a professional and ethical
manner. When appropriate, the reflection includes a “…what would I do differently” statement/description. Writing is free from punctuation, spelling, and/or
grammatical errors. Controversial issues and questionable practices are described and reflected upon in a professional and ethical manner, but the reflection does
not include a “…what would I do differently” statement/description. AND/OR Writing has 1-2  punctuation, spelling, and/or grammatical errors. Controversial issues
and questionable practices are described in an  unprofessional professional manner. AND/OR Writing has 3 or more punctuation, spelling, and/or grammatical errors.

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