Write my Essay on Cultural Differences


Cultural Differences

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Cultural Differences-Assignment 2 (75 points)

This course assignment encourages you to consider cultural differences in the way that human beings experience death, dying
and bereavement-

Research a different culture from yours about death, dying and bereavement- What do these things mean to this culture in
regard to perspectives, rituals, beliefs, and values? How does this culture differ from yours? Include perspectives on death of
children, elderly, accidental death, intentional death, and so on. You can use research articles, personal testimonies on
YouTube or other creative media- Be sure to cite appropriately and you must have at LEAST two CREDIBLE sources-
Directions and Rubric:

Your paper should include the following:

Introduce your paper 15 points – an introduction introduces the topic and sets the stage for what you will write-

Discussion 40 points:

0 8 points: Discuss in one to two paragraphs, why understanding cultural differences in the experience of death, dying and
bereavement is important to understand- Use at least 2 reference: one can be your textbook if you want to use it-

o 8 points: Describe your this culture, geographic region, three social norms with death, dying and loss, why you choose this
culture and write a synopsis (summary) of what you enjoyed learning about this culture-

0 8 points: Compare and contrast you’re your personal culture with one you have chosen- This means what beliefs are
similar to your beliefs and what beliefs are different than yours-

0 8 points: Discuss in one paragraph or two how what you learned “fits” with literature on the subject- In other words, how
does your reading support (or not support) what you learned about this culture? Reference this section appropriately-

o 8 points: How will this activity change your perspectives on death and dying and on cultural differences in general- How will
this activity add to your overall “cultural competency”

Conclude your paper 15 points- tie all your points together and add any personal thoughts/experiences/feelings that may

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