Write my Essay on Criminology




http://sociologyinfocus.com/2014/08/bringing-ferguson-into-context/ minimum of 400 words After reading the article, How does reading about the social and historical
context surrounding Ferguson affect your thinking about Michael Brown’s death and the protests that followed? Explain your answer. This article just scratches the
surface of the social and historical contexts surrounding Ferguson, what are some of the aspects of our history not discussed in this article that could help us better
understand Brown’s killing? Take a second and reflect on how who you are affects how you think about Ferguson. If you were a different race, economic class, age,
and/or gender do you think that would affect how you reacted to the news of Michael Brown’s killing? Now check out this Pew study (Links to an external site.)Links to
an external site. that looks at how age, race, and other social demographics affect perception of the news out of Ferguson. What do you think this evidence suggests
(i.e. what’s it telling us)?



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