Write my Essay on Community Health Action Plan

Community Health Action Plan

Order Description


Imagine your organization has been asked to partner with another health care organization to serve the health care needs of a rural community located a significant
distance from the urban area. Each organization will provide a number of health care professionals to work collaboratively to deliver quality health care services that
address the needs and concerns of the rural population.

You are one of the professionals selected to participate in this outreach effort. Each member of the outreach team has been asked to develop an action plan from his or
her professional perspective. Use the information below to develop your evidence-based community health action plan from the nursing perspective.

Community information for the town of Red Deer Valley and the surrounding farms

Total population of area: 1232.
Median household income: $32,020.
Poverty level: 30 percent of the families live at or below poverty level.
English speakers: 78 percent of the population speaks English.
Spanish and English speakers: 13 percent of the population speaks Spanish and some English.
Hmong and English speakers: 9 percent of the population speaks Hmong and some English.
Under 18: 20 percent of the population is under the age of 18.
Over 65: 22 percent of the population is over the age of 65.

Search the library and the Internet for peer-reviewed articles or information on professional Web sites about developing collaborative community health care outreach.
You will need at least 4 resources to support your work on this assessment.


Develop an evidence-based community health action plan, from a nursing perspective. Specifically, you must complete the following:

Describe methods for promoting the use of the health care delivery services. In other words, how will you let the community know that health care services are
available locally, along with the types of services provided?
Explain culturally sensitive evidence-based strategies for working with this diverse community. (Hint: Consider things such as age, traditional medicine, socioeconomic
status, attitude, and so on.)
Explain potential barriers to health and wellness for the community population.
Recommend communication strategies and techniques for the interdisciplinary teams that will be working to improve population health and reduce barriers to preventative
health care and disease maintenance. Consider things such as frequency (daily? weekly? as needed?) and method (electronic? paper? face-to-face?)
Format this assessment following current APA style and formatting guidelines, paying close attention to headings and subheadings, paragraph structure, proper grammar,
spelling, and punctuation.
Additional Requirements

Include a title page and reference page.
Ensure your assessment is 3–4 pages.
Use double-spaced, 12-pt., Times New Roman font.

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