Write my Essay on Classroom Management

Classroom Management

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Teaching English as a second language.

TASK 2 – Essay

Imagine the following class situation:
You have been assigned a class of high-school aged children at the intermediate level of English.
Using one of the textbook evaluation checklists from Chapter 5, choose a textbook that you would use for this class.

Previews of textbooks can be found on publisher website, such as Oxford, Cambridge, and Cengage/NGL and online stores such as Amazon and Google books. Visiting your
local library or bookstore is also a great way to preview a book without needing to purchase the book. The purpose of this task is not to find the best book, but
rather to choose an appropriate book and be able to evaluate its usefulness within the class and think about how one would incorporate it within the classroom.

You can choose a reading, writing, listening, speaking, grammar or a mixed-skills textbook. Make sure to:
• Write learning objectives and a brief description of the class.
• Explain how this book would help meet the objectives and how you would incorporate it into your class.
• Explain how this textbook meets the criteria of the evaluation checklist you selected.
• Write at least 400 words.

TASK 3 – Syllabus

For the same class from Task 2 write a portion of a syllabus which addresses classroom expectations and rules that you would give to your students (you do not need to
include a calendar of assignments). Write a brief rationale for your choices. Make sure to:
• Identify potential issues related to their age group.
• Be sure the language in your expectations and rules is appropriate to the level.
• Use specific concepts from the reading and explain why they are important in your rationale.

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