Write my Essay on Childhood Development Magazine

Childhood Development Magazine

Order Description

to create a Parenting Magazine.

Your magazine issue should include
1) a title and an illustrated cover
2) 6 articles written by you: 1 from each of the following a) infant care b) childhood nutrition c) parenting style/discipline d) childhood disorder or other health
issue e) children & sports f) bullying or other school related issue.
3) At least 2 articles should include quotes from professionals, experts, or parents. (So you may need to do short interviews to get these quotes)
4) At least 2 articles must make reference to empirical studies supporting the statements made in the article.
5) The articles should cover a range a childhood ages so that parents with kids of different ages would be interested in buying your magazine.
6) 3 advertisements endorsing a product, toy, book, recipe, or activity that would be beneficial to child development. The ad should include a brief paragraph
explaining the benefit. Don’t forget or include a picture of the item.
7) A resources section for parents with websites, hotlines, support groups, books, names of experts, preschools, camps, etc…. You must include at least 5 resources.

Your magazine will be graded on the following
1) Content: accuracy and relevance of information
2) Citations: experts and empirical studies are referenced appropriately in way that support the statements made in the article.
3) Grammar and writing style
4) Organization: neat & professional
5) Adherence to guidelines: 6 articles ( experts’ quotes & empirical studies referenced), 3 ads, resource guide all included.
6) Adequate illustrations provided.
7) Knowledge of child development is evident.

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