Write my Essay on Business ethics and sustainability 2

Business ethics and sustainability 2

Order Description

Hi I have two documents to upload, but they are somewhat significant therefore they are on 4shared for the writer assigned to this order. please see a rough outline of
the topic and brief below: As an individual, you should select a single company from the website www.indiegogo.com Under Tech & Innovation category you should pick one
organisation from the following sub-categories: • Audio • Camera Gear • Energy & Green Tech • Fashion & Wearables • Food & Beverages • Health & Fitness • Home • Phones
& Accessories • Productivity • Transportation • Travel & Outdoors Please note you will be asked to select this company in your seminar in week 4. Companies are not
permitted to be selected by more than one student (per one seminar). By week four you should have explored and investigated the company of your choice (and to have at
least two back up companies). When your company has been con-firmed by your seminar tutor, please answer the following assignment questions: • (B1) From the
perspective of Business Ethics OR Corporate Social Responsibility(CSR) critically assess the industry that selected company operates within. Evaluate the extent the
organisation’s campaign on indiegogo.com considers environmental, social and economic aspects. • (B2) Select two of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals
(SDGs) and provide recommendations on how the company could improve further in these areas. The range of material you analyse could include reports, case studies
provided by various govern-mental and non-governmental organisations such United Nations reports, World Bank, World Health Organization, Greenpeace, stories in the
media, specific incidents (scenarios) etc. Also, information provided by the corporation (indiegogo.com and organisation’s website). Note, you must conduct your own
analysis of the material. “At Indiegogo, our mission is to empower people to unite around ideas that matter to them and together make those ideas come to life. With
the help of our Indie-gogo community, we’re redefining entre-preneurship—shifting it from being a privilege to a right. Because every inventive idea should have its
shot, and every creative entrepreneur should have their moment. Together, we can do anything.” – Indiegogo.com 23 Source: sustainabledevelopment.un.org/sdgs 24 FORMAT
REQUIREMENTS: • A Microsoft Word document of no more than 2500 words (10% above or under) excluding references, abstract and appendices. Exceptions receive a 10% final
mark penalty • Referencing your assessments properly is a requirement of the University and good practice in referencing reduces the risk of committing academic
misconduct. The university is using APA 6th (Harvard) style. • Double spacing in 12 points Arial font and use justify text style. • You should write in the third
person. • The written assignment will be marked equally out of 100. SUPPORT ARRANGEMENTS You can obtain support for this assessment. • There will be an opportunity to
discuss and ask questions regarding individually written assignment during the lectures, guided studies and seminar sessions. • Tutors office hours and contact details
(such as emails) are available under Staff Information on Blackboard • A reply can be expected within two working days if you do not receive a reply, please email
again stating that the email is a second request for support. • Further assignment information is available under Assessment and Module Information (Coursebook) on
Blackboard. ACADEMIC REPORT WRITING STRUCTURE Title page (not part of the word count) • The title of the academic report – give it a meaningful title that conveys to
the reader what the academic report is about; • Students’ and tutor’s name; • Institution, • The submission date, • Word count (not including the excluded sections)
Contents page (not part of the word count) • Full list of sections within the academic report with page numbers An abstract (maximum 200 words) (not part of the word
count) • Should be written after the academic report is completed, when you have an overview of the whole text. • Background: A simple opening sentence or two placing
the work in context. • Aims: One or two sentences giving the purpose of the work. • Method(s): One or two sentences explaining what was done. Specify Business Ethics
or CSR perspectives and two United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). • Results: One or two sentences indicating the main findings/recommendations.
Introduction (300 words) • The aims or purpose of your academic report • A very brief overview of your chosen corporation • A final paragraph that outlines the next
section of your academic report The Main Body. Theoretical / conceptual approaches, analysis, discussion and recommendations (for part B1 (950 words) and B2 (950
words)). Organise this section of your academic report into sub-sections with appropriate headings for part B1 and B2. Each sub-section may include further sub-
sections with headings. For each sub-section you should: • Explain the theoretical or conceptual approach that you are going to apply and why it is relevant for your
aims/purpose. Include any debates about, or criticisms and weaknesses of, the approach. • Specify the material you are going to analyse, its source, and why it is
relevant for this analysis. • Systematically apply the analytical approach to your material and explain the findings • Provide recommendations (for part B2)
Conclusions (300 words) • Summarize, compare and contrast the findings from your two analyses, including contradictory findings. • Relate your findings and discussion
to the aims and purpose of the academic report, and specify any conclusions you have reached. 25 References and use of evidence (not part of the word count) This is
the list of sources (including web sources of company information, reports, pictures, diagrams etc.) referred to directly in your academic report. It must include
academic sources such as academic books and articles. Use the Harvard referencing system. The university is using APA 6th (Harvard) style. Appendices (not part of the
word count) This is where you can include relevant material about the company, case studies that you refer to in the main body of your academic report. Hop this helps


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