Below are the requirements needed for successful completion of the Windshield Survey Form.
1.Introduction to the Community: Identify the community you will be using for this assignment with the city and state and provide a brief one paragraph description of the community. Your community should be the area where you live or the area surrounding your work setting. The community must include a residential area and be broad enough to answer the survey questions. You do not need demographic data.
2.Windshield Survey: Assess your community by doing a windshield survey. Information about the components of a windshield survey is located in your textbook, Nies & McEwen (2015) on page 98 (Box 6-2). Drive through the area and report your observations by describing each of the following six areas using a majority of the questions from each category of Box 6-2 as your guide (one to two in depth paragraphs for each category). Be sure to include what you observed related to each of these categories, and also include any significant items that are missing in your community because this may be equally important in identifying a community health problem.
a.Community vitality
b.Indicators of social and economic conditions
c.Health resources
d.Environmental conditions related to health
e.Social functioning
f.Attitude toward healthcare
Note: It is helpful to conduct this assessment at least two different times: during the day or evening, on a weekday and/or on the weekend. If possible, plan on asking someone to drive during your survey so that you can take notes.
3.Conclusion: Provide a summary of your findings. Describe significant community health problems based on your observations. The information gathered during the windshield survey should assist you to identify community health problems that will be further assessed in the next assignment.
See attached document for more detail.
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