Why I want to obtain my MSN Dissertation Essay Help

Why I want to obtain my MSN
Order Description
This is a one page paper on why I want to obtain my MSN. If you could please take my thoughts below on why I want to obtain my MSN and polish them a bit, I would appreciate it!

Why I want to obtain my MSN is because I live in a rural area, which plans on in the next 5 years closing down one of the hospitals that serves 3 counties. More so people in this area view the hospital as a place they go when: a) they will be transferred to a nursing home or b) to die. I would like to change this stereotype. More importantly I recently had a patient who had a stroke, suffering severe right sided deficits and waited more than 24 hours before coming into the hospital. I would like to use my MSN to be able to go out into my community and educate people not only on preventative health measures but also when they NEED to get care.

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