What is your definition of Leadership? (In relation to Arts Leadership) Dissertation Essay Help

What is your definition of Leadership? (In relation to Arts Leadership)
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Part 3: How Can I Be a Resonant Leader in a Multicultural Age?

Taking what you learned from your chosen leader and texts, create your own definition of leadership. Use these questions as a starting point, but feel free to move beyond the questions as needed for the context of your definition:

What type of leader do you want to be?
How do you see your leadership style at work within the arts sector?
In what ways can you, as a leader, show hope, compassion, and mindfulness?
In what ways could you (or are you) incorporating a sense of advocacy and community engagement within your leadership approach?
As the final part of this assignment, this reflection is where your voice should be the loudest. Part 1 was a report, Part 2 an analysis. Now, you are ready for reflection in Part 3. You may refer back to the leadership definitions we came up with in class as a another resource in which to build upon. The purpose is for your definition to be layered based on your previous research – interview with chosen leader and reading of the texts. While your voice should be strong, it does need to be strategically supported throughout the reflection.

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